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Posts tagged as “region”

Becoming a Non-Person

It’s a strange new world when the Mayor of Fort Bragg takes a page from the Trump playbook. The Press Is The Enemy Of The People blasts Mayor Will Lee. Not all the press —…

Kill or Be Killed

The jury trial for Michael J. Saner, accused of murder in the killing of William Martinez at Rancho Navarro on August 6th, 2017, finally began last Monday only to go into recess before noon on…

Adventists Make Their Move

The Mendocino Coast Healthcare District edges closer to affiliation with Adventist Healthcare. Negotiations are ongoing, but the Coast hospital released a “Fact Sheet” Wednesday, September 25, detailing many of the terms of a potential 30-year…

Measure B Committee’s New Priorities

Judging by the amount of time spent at last Wednesday’s Measure B Mental Health Oversight and Advisory Committee meeting, the most important things they have to deal with are: remodeling an old Redwood Valley house…

Low Gap Raiders Come to Court

The Low Gap Gang came to prelim last week and we learned some details about the charges the trio of home-invading hip-dopes from Sonoma County are up against.  The “heavy” seems to be Nathan Kurtz;…

Revisiting the Hospitality House

I attended the first two hours of the Mendocino County Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB) monthly meeting on September 18. I used to attend these meetings on a regular basis, but there is only so…
