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Posts tagged as “essays”

Conversation On An Airplane

The art of conversation, or at least practice, is as dead and gone as your grandmother’s DeSoto sedan. This didn’t happen last week nor last…

History & Highjinks

We continue our conversation with John Hulbert, Pacific Bell retiree and lifelong Anderson Valley resident. Recently, my brother Scott, who is also a PacBell retiree,…

Covid, Isolation & Loneliness

“Are you lonely tonight?” If you are a senior you probably are, according to Carla Perissinotto, a doctor and a professor of medicine at the…

Big Fight

Back home in the racist flatlands of Northern Indiana to visit my old man I decided to not hassle him for one day, twenty-four hours…

Affirmative Action & Me

In the late 1980s I felt guilty about using an old boys’ network to secure a teaching position at Sonoma State University (SSU), a branch…

Live! Laugh! Love!

Live! Laugh! Love! has been the constellation navigation Big Dipper guide to my carefree journey through life.  Nothing but severe diarrhea touches me so deeply…

Catholic Segregation

It is axiomaticaily true that the Church of Rome moves slowly. But it has been on this earth almost 2,000 years, and it has yet…

Brazilian Cabbie

Another entry for my bulging file of cab-ride tales. Slipped out early from work and went book shopping, emerging into cold winds on lower Van…

Max & His Mom

Journalism takes its practitioners to some strange places. It took me to Willits one gray winter morning almost 30 years ago in response to a…

Too Many Dams

There are those who would argue that the West should have been left pretty much as it was. At the distant other end of the…

Bobby’s Kid Moves Up On The Rail

In late April Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced that he is running for President, challenging Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination. In May a poll…
