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Posts published in May 2024

Time Flies

The older I get, the more I realize the truth in the Latin saying “Tempus Fugit”; time flies. Plus a second truth: “As time flies,…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday 5/4/24

Rain | Eel Bridge | BOS Tuesday | Boxes Wanted | Tucker Flocked | AVUSD News | Memorial Day | Grocery Debacle | MCHCD Meetings | Butcher Harris | County Notes | State Street | Historic Palace | Urban Viewshed | Dam Removal | Butterfly Soaring | Giving Circle | Mister Natural | Ed Notes | Crime Kit | Single-Truth Communities | Yesterday's Catch | Marco Radio | River Reggae | Suing AI | Say Hey | Prices | Surfers Missing | Supreme Perks | Bipartisan Scandal | Female Sasquatch | Hamas Chicks | Aint Right | Agitator Fiction | Camp Activity | Protest Violence | The Entertainer | Liberalism Crisis | Slug & Lettuce | Honeybee Invasion | Pre-Internet | White Moderate | Lucretius Problem | Into Books | Azalea Search | Apache Women

The End of the Paper-Paper

This issue of the Anderson Valley Advertiser is the very last one you will ever hold in your hands. As a tangible entity the paper…

On The Mountain House Road Again

During my last stretch home in Ukiah I promised myself a leisurely trip out Mountain House Road. I cashed that promise in and left Hopland,…

Mendocino County Today: Friday 5/3/24

Cloudy | Lilies | Laytonville Grocery | Caspar Event | Road Damage | Beer Fest | Ukiah Construction | Willits Graffiti | Ukiah Aesthetic | Cabot Cove | Brown Zone | Care Week | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Labor Law | Lucky Investors | PG&Expensive | Cut! | Energy Costs | Frank James | Brewery Brats | Bottle Stages | On Protesting | Free Palestine | Effective Demonstrating | Stormy | Hedges Canceled | Functioning Psychopaths | Trump Bucks | Grumpy Seinfeld | Garden Wear | Pharaoh Like | True Compassion | Whitebells

Off the Record (May 3, 2024)

A READER WRITES: I mourn the end of your newspaper in my life, but I also rejoice at its presence in my life for the…

All The Print That Fitted

I was down on an almost human-free Ocean Beach in San Francisco with only a little dog, a big salmon sandwich from the closest small…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday 5/2/24

Spring Weather | Lamb Time | Firetruck Restoration | Rainfall Totals | Petunias | AVUSD News | Speedboating | May Suggestions | Strawberries | Listserv Project | Homebody | Firesafe Grants | Grounded | Budget Tracking | Amish Rage | Beer Fest | FFA Benefit | HREC Fundraiser | Park Concerts | SF Demonstration | Not Complicit | Student Solidarity | Workers Unite | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Woodstock Vendor | Online Transition | Simple Explanation | Swami Blessing | Workers March | What Piazzolla | Rich/Poor | Incarcerated Pandas | Psycho/Rapist | New Pledge | Hated Brunch | Butterfly Effect | Appalachia Melungeons | Hot Fires | Smoke Signals | SF Sea Lions | Derby UK
