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Posts published in April 2024

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday 4/2/24

Warm Day | Footbridge | Caitlin Bunger | Big Hammer | Jury Service | Economic Cannibalism | Coast Daffodils | Ed Notes | Storm Clouds | Journalistic Virtues | Party Proposition | Social Isolation | Noyo Shipwright | Surf Fishing | Yesterday's Catch | Reliable Landline | My Antidepressant | Unhoused People | Bobo Drunk | Costly Potholes | Firearm Safety | Mask Divorce | Synthetic State | Coats Meet | Elegant Writing | Jewish Woman | All Cults | Easter Visuals | Bomber Biden | Lifelong Battle

A Walk Among The Fungus of Hendy Woods

How is a mushroom like an apple? Both can be considered the “fruit” of a tree, but while all the branches of an apple tree…

Mendocino County Today: Monday 4/1/24

Sunny | Flooded Field | Rainfall Totals | Rare Bird | Incompetence & Malfeasance | Trestle | Ed Notes | Richard Nowlin | Brush Street | Ukiah Sambo's | Emerald Dust | Employment Problem | Service Dogs | Clouds | Bulletin Boarding | Yesterday's Catch | Melville Pessimism | Trailer Park | Institutionalized Neurosis | AT&T Tricks | Hippynosis | EV Fuel Cost | The Reaper | Managed Growth | George Washington | Experience Becoming | Bunny Trauma | Marin Confidential | Men Kissing | No Soul | Donald Reverence | Killed Him | Better Bible | Hanging Laundry

Letters (April 1, 2024)

Here is how to improve Planning and Building. 1.) Planning and Building (PBS) staff should approach application review with the mindset “How can we get this application approved” instead of “What can I find wrong with this application.”…

Fameless In Frisco

If I had wanted to be more famous than I already was, I wouldn't have moved from Sonoma County, where I lived for 40 years,…
