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Posts published in February 2024

Mendocino County Today: Monday 2/26/24

Cloudy | Toothwort | Murder Inquiry | Coffee v Tea | Sheriff's Statement | Massive Windfall | UDJ Endorses | Measure R | AV Calendar | Ukiah View | Phone Service | Hopland Piano-rama | Bari Tale | Woodland Creek | Not Funny | Eraser Memory | Ukiah Decline | Yesterday's Catch | Sakoverse | Legendary Bookstore | NY Weed | Pancake Party | Paper Memories | Geoffrey Chaucer | Loser Curse | Moonlit Lane | Power Rates | Against Porter | Palm Beach | Prayer | Only You | Support Ukraine | Maddow Hosanna | Space Nukes | Gaza Holocaust | Bloody Aye | Dark Heart | Black Workers | Hell & Earth | Boot Hill

Letters (February 26, 2024)

A few years ago, I relinquished my landline voluntarily for high-speed internet, and I have been sorry every day since I made the change. My telephone connection drops frequently, and I sometimes don’t know it happened until…


I was waiting, weak but not in pain, through seven hours, with no foreseeable outcome. My symptoms had been puzzling: feeling hot when it was…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday 2/25/24

Mostly Sunny | Octopus Hill | Girl Missing | District Map | Yard Sign | Ukiah Water | Woodchips | Ukiah Champs | Requesting Privacy | Matricide/Arson | David Nelson | Raven Pair | Burglemeister Brennen | AV Events | Pet Reggie | Fish Passage | Lewd Dude | Oak Tree | VSO History | Java House | AT&T Comments | Copper Lines | Cliff Crack | Wild Beauty | Ed Notes | Monica Delivers | Internalization | Yesterday's Catch | Silent Chanting | Rooftop Brunch | Marco Radio | Ka-Bam | AI Obvious | Legal Weed | City Lights | Remembering KSAN | Aerial States | Commander Biden | Stressed Age | Considered Person | Salekhard Airport | Edna Millay | Waffle House

Yet Another Palace Hotel Memory

The Palace Hotel is in the news, but when isn’t it? The proud old gal was built in the 1880s and for 100 years was…

The Dangers of Ozempic/Wegovy

It seems like only yesterday that Gina Kolata of the New York Times was cheerleading without restraint for Ozempic/Wegovy. (It’s the same drug, based on…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday 2/24/24

Sunny | 128 Slide | Housing Workshop | Greenwood Landlines | Dave Nelson | Raven Post | AVUSD News | Busy Burglar | Willits Welcome | VSO Questions | Full Moon | District Map | Fjords Smorgette | More Errors | Redwood Ranger | District Confusion | Dream | Bad Advice | Tepee | CPUC Meeting | Black Cats | AT&T Hearing | Weird 1099s | Ishwar Poster | Listserv Project | Sprinkling Guilty | SEIU Issues | Last Dollar | AV Volunteer | Ranch Cabin | Whale Fest | Nathaniel Smith | Yesterday's Catch | Dark Sky | Richard Diebenkorn | Med-Tech Outage | Prop 1 | Bucket Boy | Marco Radio | Eddie Gaedel | Urban Warnings | Plant Girl | Pesticide Pot | Welder | Lost Faith | Shared Issues | Gaza Illusion | Cycles

Valley People (February 24, 2024)

THAT was a good deal on fresh cooked crabs at Lemons just in time for the Super Bowl. When Lemons says fresh, you can be…
