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Posts published in February 2023

Valley People (February 8, 2023)

REPORT ON BOONVILLE’S DRINKING WATER PROJECT (from January Water Projects Committee Meeting minutes):  JACK LOCEY (Brelje and Race engineer) continues to work on negotiations [with water source property owners]. In January Jack will present the…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023

Weak Front | Save Hitch | Skatepark Meeting | Mosswood Table | Ever Evolving | Eureka Productions | Treefrog Johnson | Destroying Itself | Yesterday's Catch | What's Popular | Amish Style | Flower Fields | Demented Grammys | Chiefs Bet | Undercover Work | Humboldt Honey | Unionization Bill | Open That Door | Breaking News | Constantly Freaked | Fighter Pilot | Empire Propagandists | Ukraine | Second Line | Giants Falling | Old Guy

An Informal History Of Early Mendocino County

Feliz Creek today, where it passes beneath Highway 101 at Hopland is, in the summer, a parched expanse of dry streambed that is barely discernible as a water course. Only when it comes alive in…

Slow Beethoven

A lifelong amateur violinist, Albert Einstein was an avid chamber musician. He would hardly have endeared himself to his fellow players if, when straying from the agreed-upon tempo or missing an entrance, he had tried…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 6, 2023

Clearing | 20 View | AVUSD Meeting | Spay/Neuter Vouchers | Grange Breakfast | Kelce Flip | Chief Candidates | German Stowaway | Door Dashing | Woody Conk | Eagle Nest | Rose Bouquet | Looking Back | Conspiracy Club | Golden Age | Yesterday's Catch | Kimberlin Talk | Homeless Racket | Take Out | Balloon Pop | Released Photo | Perilous Bounty | Sixties Fashion | Woke Imperialism | Oligarchy | Ukraine | Quarter Kisser | Birthday | Peace Pose | Waters Interview | Crumb Poster

Travels With Wes III

The end of La Nina drought has been like no wet winter I remember in my half century living in The Valley. From the day after Christmas until Wednesday ten days ago over three weeks…

Mexico: Final Reflections

Time after time I tell myself I won’t travel to Mexico again. But time after time I return to Mexico. Once it takes root it’s nearly impossible to detach. The attraction is that it’s another…
