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Posts published in June 2022

Wine Industry Must Use Less Water

On Tuesday I moderated a panel at Napa Thrives, a wine-industry conference focused on climate change. The subject of my panel was one that's been…

The Executioner’s Song

If you have a dog it will get old, and after that it will get really old and you’ll find yourself in the funny position…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 27, 2022

Slight Cooling | Michael Nissenberg | Duff Home | Trashy People | MTA Rates | Naulty Retirement | Fish Caught | School News | Bike Shop | Elvis Movie | Chain Drag | Sierra Trip | Summer Day | Ed Notes | Street Artists | Tax Money | Kaisen School | Old Howard | New Settler | Sales Tax | Blackberry Festival | Homeless Problem | Yesterday's Catch | PA High | Ukraine | PG&E Negligence | Welcome Billboard | Reading Pepe | Right Tool | Our War | Catholic Supremes | NATO Expansion | Bottled Water | Living Proof | Unlimited Tolerance | Hot Outside | Changes | I Worried | Guernica | Supreme Procession | Christian Fascists | Repeat

John Ford Declines Fort Bragg

As Friday night’s meeting of the Humboldt County Planning Commission was drawing to a close, Planning and Building Director John Ford confirmed that he will…

A Beacon of Hope

Where 19th century genius meets 21st century thuggery… I had no idea that a militia of armed rebels was conducting a raid just minutes away…

The Perpetual Stew

It was in the seventies when this happened. Synanon. It was the first drug rehab center. But it was more than that. It was its…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 26, 2022

Another Hot | Yorkville Fire | Thundercloud | Cloverdale Outage | Titus Memorial | Puppies Galore | Insurance | Dog Care | Library Initiative | AV Events | Jarvis Camp | Ed Notes | Oak Noticed | PA Agenda | Greenwood Restaurant | Old 128 | County Notes | Report Card | Gualala Shopping | Abalone | Popcorn King | Earth Skills | Yesterday's Catch | Ukraine | Trigger States | Right to Life | Godlike | Tyrannical Government | Lady Bird | Orwell's Teeth | Hardy Hotel | Apocalyptic Tonsilloreum | Goal | Great Reunion | Women's Rights | Huge Flaws | Gender Neutral | Propaganda Power | Public Attention | Chet Baker | Perfect Spot | Greenwood Ridge | Marco Radio | Red Fruit | Beautiful Truth

The Steal That Didn’t Get Stopped

There’s papers here. There’s papers there. Could be a desk underneath somewhere.  Entropy got a hold of me inexorably. I keep a stack of items…

Ride to Eat

A hundred miles before breakfast.  It was founding Rider staffer Dick Blom’s number one road rule in the old days back in the Seventies before…
