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Posts published in April 2022

Bondage at the Oscars

If ever there were steps of power that need storming by an angry mob, they are those of the Dolby Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard on…

Fraudulent Frisco

Have you ever felt like a fraud? Maybe you have at some juncture in your own life. Right now I feel like an imposter. I…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, April 9, 2022

Windy | Firefighters | Bridge Widening | Mobile Mechanic | Greenwood Mill | Public Isolation | Fatal Stabbing | Willits Trail | CCC Move | Log Pond | Ukraine | Hutchins Campaign | Cliff House | Narcan Save | Hippie Chick | Many Questions | Giusti Guilty | Jones Sentenced | Homicide Suspect | Nosferatu | Volunteer Opportunities | Yesterday's Catch | Rockport Bridge | Literary Tastes | Justice Jackson | Carbon Climate | Boys & Girls | Dream World | Conscious Mind | Outrageous Rent | Free Expression | Socialist Plots | Leviathan Floundering | Biggest Joke | Putin's Blunder | Investing | Big Bang | Turning 68 | Pow-Wow | Marco Radio | Stripes In | Material World | Oak Grove

Mendo’s  First ‘Aliens’ & POWs

If readers were ever curious about how WWII effected Mendocino citizens, here’s one answer. While many people are familiar with the internment camps for people…

Boonville’s Booklovers Bonanza

Right in the heart of downtown Boonville is a jewel hidden in plain sight. If you are a lover of books this is one jewel…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, April 8, 2022

North Wind | Deck Temp | Hare Creek | Zero Snow | Property Tax | Caspar Mouth | Water Solutions | Tulips | CSD Minutes | Portuguese Beach | Chopper Game | Gardening Workshop | Handymen | Voter Registration | Ed Notes | Mendo Bluffs | Mad Campaign | Yesterday's Catch | Motorboat Lawman | DC Covid | Doughboy Parade | Ukraine | Human Be-In | Pay Teachers | Noyo Fleet | Ukraine Diary | Egypt Zeppelin | Leave CA | Prick Cop | Auto Camp | Cheap Wine | World Movers | Homeless Seniors | Online Theology | 67 Fashion | MAC Shows | Fundamentals Good | Reckless Coaching | 73 Lineup

Walking Home in the Rain

The sheriff’s dispatcher gave exact coordinates over the phone, out to seven digits I believe, so we knew exactly where the hiker was in relation…

Sixty Dozen Eggs

On January 20, 1913, the Albion Lumber Co. ordered sixty dozen eggs from the J. T. Farrer Store in downtown Boonville. The eggs were packed…

Huelga! Anderson Valley’s First Strike

CESAR CHAVEZ'S BIRTHDAY was Thursday the 31st. As we remember the crucial movement Chavez launched, we remind persons interested in Chavez and the UFW that…
