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Posts published in April 2022

Mendocino County Today: Friday, April 8, 2022

North Wind | Deck Temp | Hare Creek | Zero Snow | Property Tax | Caspar Mouth | Water Solutions | Tulips | CSD Minutes | Portuguese Beach | Chopper Game | Gardening Workshop | Handymen | Voter Registration | Ed Notes | Mendo Bluffs | Mad Campaign | Yesterday's Catch | Motorboat Lawman | DC Covid | Doughboy Parade | Ukraine | Human Be-In | Pay Teachers | Noyo Fleet | Ukraine Diary | Egypt Zeppelin | Leave CA | Prick Cop | Auto Camp | Cheap Wine | World Movers | Homeless Seniors | Online Theology | 67 Fashion | MAC Shows | Fundamentals Good | Reckless Coaching | 73 Lineup

Walking Home in the Rain

The sheriff’s dispatcher gave exact coordinates over the phone, out to seven digits I believe, so we knew exactly where the hiker was in relation…

Sixty Dozen Eggs

On January 20, 1913, the Albion Lumber Co. ordered sixty dozen eggs from the J. T. Farrer Store in downtown Boonville. The eggs were packed…

Huelga! Anderson Valley’s First Strike

CESAR CHAVEZ'S BIRTHDAY was Thursday the 31st. As we remember the crucial movement Chavez launched, we remind persons interested in Chavez and the UFW that…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, April 7, 2022

Heat | Albion Pier | Ren Oschin | MCHCD Meeting | Redwood Summer | AV Rental | Morris Caraway | Yes M | County Failures | Andersons | Mo Snippets | Nancy March | Bari Mobile | Soloman Interview | Approval Schmapproval | Dennis Peron | McFaul Caption | Cat Trapping | Spring Break | Not Well | Vlad Lenin | Ukraine | Free People | Migrant Benefits | Newlyweds | MAC Feast | Mental Aid | Yesterday's Catch | Presidio Gate | Hospice Oversight | Red Carpet | Fish Opening | Sunday Best | November 22 | Dismantling Racism

Who Signed What, When and Why?

Amy McColley resigned her position as chair of the Mendocino Coast Health Care District (MCHCD) Board of Directors near the end of a meeting held…

Organizing Amazon — An Inside Job

The front-page headline was no April Fool’s Day prank: “Amazon Workers on Staten Island Vote to Unionize.” The Times would devote three days to the…

$4.2 Million For Retroactive Dispatch On Consent?

The last item on Tuesday’s Supervisors meeting consent calendar is a retroactive, five year, $4.2 million renewal of Mendo’s emergency dispatch services contract with CalFire.…

Letters (April 7, 2022)

The Eel River’s embattled salmon and steelhead may have no better enemy than Guinness McFadden. In his recent letter to the Editor, the Potter Valley wine grape grower kicks up a fuss…

A Chaplain’s Letter from Vicksburg

William Lovelace Foster was regimental chaplain of Company F of the 35th Mississippi Volunteer Infantry Regiment. His regiment served at Vicksburg during the siege. Below…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Warming | Her Pets | Ukraine | Albion Wharf | Supes Notes | Lauren Buckhorn | Vacant Parcels | Camp Jobs | Angelo Failed | Meet Artists | Dry Time | Derailed Train | Water Conservation | Flowers | Dashboard Gone | Noyo Harbor | Ed Notes | CO2 Emissions | Beneficial Bees | Carrot Day | Contaminated Soil | Anthony Irvin | Wilson McFaul | PG&E Disgusting | Grand Opening | Library Tax | Bad Neighbors | Elitist Bureaucrats | Yesterday's Catch | Red Beetle | War Atrocities | Solidarity | Retail Annoyances | SF 1905 | Big Wrong | Mario Savio | Union Movement | Longshoreman Strike | Sex Threat | Temperance Society
