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Posts published in March 2022

Saving San Bruno Mountain

To understand San Bruno Mountain today it helps to know some of its history. After all, it’s probably the last frontier in the San Francisco…

Another Day, Another Protest

I think there’s some protesting over on the coast or near the coast, maybe about logging. Or drilling, or a bridge, or the name of…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, March 28, 2022

Showers | Halfway House | Peace Talk | Fatal Stabbing | Sand Stand | Traildoggle | Melody's Cookies | Ed Notes | Timekeeper's Cabin | Cuckoo Update | Marmon Truck | Huffman's Charade | Mediocrates | Drought Response | Yesterday's Catch | No Touching | Eastern Star | Protesting | Hypocrisy Carnival | Mathias Brinzing | Ukraine Trains | Climate City | Mental Health | Boycott List | Office Romance | US Imperialism | Syria Flag | Spiritual Flow | Logging Train | Disappeared

A Load of Bull

No, no. It’s not what you probably think. This is a story told by my father about an experience he had while he was in…

Gloomy Thoughts

Okay. Up front I will tell I am on a rant. By day’s end where there was a lot of gray but no substantial rain.…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, March 27, 2022

Wind Rain | Vera Titus | Wet Ahead | Property Tax | Adoptable Dogs | Macdonald Books | Rowes 1942 | Cart Arrests | Elderhood | Red Gremlin | Free Lunch | Wal-Mart | Water Rescue | Handyman Joe | Author Reading | Remembering Les | Mo Excited | Arizona | Helping People | Hue 1968 | Confirmation Gauntlet | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Blue People | Hayslett School | Supe Candidates | Noyo Fishing | Oscars Dud | Swim Champs | Channeling Lenin | Crushing It | GG Jumpers | Lutenist | Marco Radio | Matt Eilo | Burn Gas | Ball Valve | Billionaire Tax | Slow Blues

Who Killed ‘Medical Marijuana’?

Despite the good-guy-vs.-bad-guy framework so common in fiction, in real life there can be two, three — many bad guys and nary a good guy…

Water & Wells, Gas Gouging

At this week’s Board of Supervisors meeting (March 15), a series of recommendations were discussed concerning the ongoing drought and related activities involving property owners…
