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Posts published in June 2021

Valley People (June 16, 2021)

ANDERSON VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, CLASS OF 2021 Alarcon, Alec Delgado, Heidi Douglass-Thomas, Sam Espinoza, Candy Espinoza, Kaitlin Ferreyra, Norymar Flores, Ximena Gonzalez, Cristobal Kehl, Lucas Kephart, Gabriella Malfavon, Yareli Mata, Brianda Matvieieva, Valeria McEwen, Shekina…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 15, 2021

High Pressure | 8 New Cases | 101 Collision | Russian Flow | BoonYork Rainbow | California Reopening | Senior Scams | Hung Jury | Gardens Art | Cat Plan | Worst Season | Humboldt Marbles | Barrio Champ | Mendo Colossus | Yesterday's Catch | Writing Suggestions | Child Post | Poon Lim | How To Media | What's Ecology? | Dumb All Over | Buffalo Roam | Portland Anarchists | Missed Ark | Trump 12-Step | Caspar Creek | Cold Warriors | Little People

Getting Ready To Go

Like others or at least like oldie others, I had not purchased any new clothing, not even online in fifteen months. Living alone I wore the same shirt and jeans for a month. The only…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 14, 2021

Light Showers | Forest Gate | 10% Referendum | Hwy20 Fatality | Grange Movie | Coastal Fog | Jury Duty | Ship Aground | Vista Point | Drivers Needed | Chicken Soup | Manager Wanted | Coast Biplane | AV Poetry | Rich Aunt | New Hip | Train Men | Missing Arlo | Costco Floss | Recommended Orthopedists | Early Ambulance | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Om Moo | Castles Burning | Must Watch | Garberville Ballad | Phone Etiquette | Backwards Judge | Great Job | Mall Trip | Quiet/Frenzy | Groovy Life | Drowning Risk | Internet Banking | Exhausted | American Poverty | Someday Soon | Pipeline Protests | Workplace Crew | Million Men

Roy Lichtenstein

It might not be true that every family has one cool thing about it but at least I can say that my family does. Sixty-three years ago my father was teaching at Oswego State Teacher's…

Hemingway Almost Killed Me

The favorite books of one's youth can be dangerous stuff. One of the highest-risk authors for me turned out to be Ernest Hemingway. His writing almost killed me in at least in three ways. That…
