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Posts published in June 2021

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, June 10, 2021

Chance Tomorrow | 5 New Cases | Mabel Gerke | Emergency Regulation | Nets | Water Limits | Drought Meeting | Hang Him | Malicious Prosecution | CalNeva/Lovelock | Bankable Cannabis | Mrs Pi | Hugh Duggins | JDSF Gate | Over Budget | Rumperstickers | Vaughn Homers | Tiger Trap | Painter Screams | Facebook Friends | Huff Ruffed | Yesterday's Catch | We Waited | Sir Gallaher | Social Hygiene | Labor Shortage | Young Kafka | Social Murder | CA Reparations | Time Travel | Olympic Peril | On Braces

Letters (June 9, 2021)

I am aware that some Anderson Valley residents do not like the fact we cut down trees near the highway above Elke’s vineyard at the Dennison Ranch...

CEO Angelo’s Best Interest

At the December 2019 Measure B meeting, B's then-board chair Dr. Ace Barash, on staff at Adventist-owned Howard Hospital in Willits, read a letter the…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Cold Air | 6 New Cases | Lorraine Tognoli | AV Library | Unvaccinated Surge | PA Welcome | AVVFFA Raffle | Ukiah Library | Ballhunters | Ganja Ordinance | Immigration | Water Talk | Alien Rejection | Ed Notes | Social Order | Taxfree Wealth | Planners Planning | No Password | Poach & Pot | Sax Cow | Art Display | Yesterday's Catch | Evil Addiction | Fetch | Lonesome Me | Self Esteem | Desal CA | My Advice | Biggest Elephants | Phoneless Fool | Saving Steelhead | Unintelligent Species | Forest Health | Found Object

The 10% Expansion Rule

At its meeting on Wednesday, June 2, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors approved the proposed Phase 3 Cannabis which includes the controversial 10 percent…

Off the Record (June 9, 2021)

BIDEN honored the nation's war dead on Memorial Day by taking part in a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National…

Valley People (June 9, 2021)

ANDERSON VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, CLASS OF 2021 Awards Night was Wednesday evening at the high school gym. Graduation, the following night, also in the high school…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Chilly Mornings | 13 New Cases | Vaccine Events | Low Water | Sheriff's Message | 1906 Vacuum | Logging Moratorium | Movie Night | Walk/Talk | FB 1906 | Ukiah Mural | Scenic NWP | Marco Updates | Bird Bath | Ed Notes | Worm Away | Cape Slapped | Ranch Dressing | Hunt Popped | Didn't Wash | Sattui Says | Sattui Sued | Tip Not | Welfare Irrigators | Yesterday's Catch | Verizon Service | Heavenly Wait | Contributors Wanted | Tech Support | Recall Date | Inner Voice | Comments | Guatemalan Trumpers | Reset Thyself | R&D

A Palestinian Sunset

Before I went to bed, Mommy told me tales of genies, demons, and magic. One story, relayed to her by an uncle in Lebanon, haunted…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 7, 2021

Cooling Trend | Blue Eyed Grass | JDSF Showdown | FFA Seniors | 10% Rule | Silly Favors | Why Yorkville | PV Huntress | Coast Papers | Not Now | Western Hills | Maglev Station | Telecare Lawsuits | Illegal Love | Ed Notes | No Water | Racism/Capitalism | Yesterday's Catch | He Sd | Play Outside | Maxwell's Hammer | On Grass | Vaccentives | 1907 Stages | San Francisco | Book Benefits | White Grievance | One Ring | Making Mezcal | Blame Antifa | Marco Radio | Diagonal Braces
