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Posts published in May 2021

The Mendocino Outlaws: Dr. Wheeler’s Escape

John Wheeler and James Anthony escaped from the county jail in Ukiah in the dinner hour of November 7, 1879. They employed a Babbitt metal…

Coast Notes

Fort Bragg: Boar's Nest update: James Lindsay got a 60-day reprieve in Ten Mile Justice Court last Thursday. Sixty days to finish clearing out his…

Death On The Willits Bypass

On May 13, 2021, at approximately 0255 hours, Michael Lee Confer, was driving a 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix, northbound on US-101, south of Main Street,…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, May 13, 2021

Warm Inland | 15 New Cases | Possible Murder | Major Injuries | Belligerent Nation | Hawk Housing | Sherwood Driver | Need Food | Mama Tree | Flea Market | Secret Investigations | Zumba AV | Water Storage | Big River | Ed Notes | Mendocino Timber | Stolen Jeep | Giant Redwood | Yesterday's Catch | Hoarding | Cliche Words | Log Train | Groundwater Meeting | Mom Bucket | Water Use | Cat Chat | Going Down | Israel/Palestine | Gluten Free | Orange Disease | Wistful Snoopy | Ed Harriman | Boonville Gym | My Mother | Mental Health

County Notes (May 12, 2021)

MENDO IS AWASH IN MOOLAH, according to Tuesday’s “third quarter” budget presentation. Not only does the County have the $22.6 million in a PG&E settlement…

Letters (May 12, 2021)

People need to stop planting eucalyptus trees. They are awful trees. They are extremely flammable. They spread fire, destroy homes and injure and kill firefighters...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Cool Coast | 6 New Cases | Brown & Manning | 1975 Pastoral | Supes Notes | Tipped Truck | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Mexi-Klezmer | Spring Moon | Suffering Comrade | Ukiah Rhythmettes | Malay Plane | Loaded Truck | Avoid Probate | Boonville Morning | Mussel Quarantine | Desalinization | Comic Guilt | Vocational Programs | Hopland Shed | Planning Cancelled | Intercept Turnaround | Nagging Urge | AIDS Aid | Oakland Coliseum | Former Pres | Dividing Line | Reporter's Alert

Off the Record (May 12, 2021)

GENTLEMAN GEORGE HOLLISTER, the sage of Comptche (and President of the Local Farm Bureau), got it right. Responding to Mark Scaramella's article (“Welcome to Mendo,…

Valley People (May 12, 2021)

DOUG JOHNSON of Navarro confirms that Harvey “Chris” Isbell, felled by a stroke two months ago at his home in Navarro, is a patient at…
