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Posts published in April 2021

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Clear Skies | 3 Cases | London Visit | Beer Barrels | Water McGrapes | River's Edge | JDSF Demo | Extinguisher Day | Ed Notes | Guntley Ranch | Enforcement Now | Bart Room | Bad Drivers | Replacement Statue | Cannabis Comments | Original Orange | Many Butts | Yesterday's Catch | Afghanistan Withdrawal | School Advice | Vax Pride | Floor It | Tenacious Trees | Me First | Shell Shock | Ghoulish Picture | Wonder How | Freedom Cafe | Snack Dispenser | Do Away | Name Generator | Space Race | Parklets Unfair | Taser Mistake | Cop Control | BS Time | Innuendo Media | Jaggermeister

Jacob Patterson’s Fort Bragg Fixation

On Friday, April 9th, the City of Fort Bragg received a letter from the Service Employees International Union. SEIU represents nearly two million workers in the United States and Canada, including many employees of governmental…

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Distribution Paused

This week, the CDC and FDA announced that distribution of the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine would be put on hold until further investigation could be done into six reported cases of a rare blood…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Cooler Today | 8 New Cases | Buckhorn Sale | FB Items | Cannabis Enforcement | Hotel Garden | New Cops | Concerned Sheriff | Police Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Poisoning Farallones | Oil Consumption | Thagomizer | Cultural Diversity | Climate Emergency | Jubata Grass | Cannabis Costs | Doghouse Stay | Ominously Dry | Street Musician | Riot Season | Confirmed Bachelors | Forgetful Bros | Good Person | Ass Fragrance | Less Seuss | Beatles Cancellation | Manufactured Consent | J&J Concern

Mendocino County Today: Monday, April 12, 2021

Northerly Winds | Robert Wattenburger | Osprey | AV Vista | McCowen Explains | Greasy Perch | Chipper Program | Prohibition End | Agile DA | Wine Railcars | Weed/Water/Fire | Not Busy | Lake Mendocino | Wine Work | Burning Bullets | Small Biz | Mayor McSleaze | Lost Puppy | Ed Notes | Dustbowl Refugees | Yesterday's Catch | Corporate Politics | About Sacagawea | English Graveyard | Doomsday Scenarios | Self Checkout | Hemingway's Note | Subsidized Market | Amazon Vote | Revenue Sources | Social Murder

In Search of Sacajawea

I'm guessing we all know something about her. Lewis And Clark, and all. I now know she was more interpreter than guide, but still there with them. I've met her -- metaphysically speaking, of course…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, April 11, 2021

Northerlies | Structure Fire | Hotel Lunch | Job Openings | Telecommunicators Week | Middle Earthing | Wine Tour | Library Nonsense | Nibble First | Ukiah Roundabout | 1890 Home | Critical Gaps | Evolution Impetus | Ed Notes | PD Failure | 1880 Urchins | Mama Tree | Rodeo Warning | Illegal Cultivation | Fair Poster | Grapes 1873 | Subway Kiss | Tax Sharing | Yesterday's Catch | Reese Erlich | Gender Race | Private Security | Pole Assist | Bounce Back | Marco Radio | Barkley Explains | Chomsky Interview
