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Posts published in August 2020

Standoff On Albion Ridge

A traffic stop attempted by a Mendocino County Deputy Sheriff on the morning of July 17 in Point Arena ended 15 days later in dramatic fashion with more than a dozen police cruisers and an…


Former Ag Commissioner Diane Curry posted the following comment on the AVA’s website on Tuesday: “Remember back when the Cannabis Ordinance was just a sparkle in the County’s eyes? Our then Planning and Building head…

Slip-Sliding Away

During all the long years of my fulltime corporate employment I had a skewed view of the world. Not because of boardroom policies or existential questions about who or what benefitted from my 50 or…


In pre-Covid times a hungry American was on a tour of a monastery. A familiar smell from the kitchen drew him away from the rest of the tour group. In the kitchen he spotted a…

The Navarro Saga: More Memories

Well, it's been a longer journey than I anticipated through my recollections and reminiscences warehouse 49 years of residence in Navarro has provided me. My original plan was three articles; this one is number ten.…

Journal of the Plague Year (#21)

Berkeley, CA, August 10, 2020 – Isabel Wilkerson’s “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” is an angry book. If you’re not angry after reading it, the reason may lie in the subtitle. Are you part…
