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Posts published in August 2020

Love Rears Its Baffling Head

I was recently afflicted with a real humdinger of a sore throat while concurrently and intimately involved with someone who’d had close contact with someone…

Knots, Just Knots

The phone rings. Rarely a good thing. It’s Zuckerman calling, the wannabe auteur of Monte Nido. He has a notion he wants to take a…

Pot Ordinance Woes Continue

There are dark clouds on the horizon regarding the County’s failed Cannabis Ordinance and the resulting uncertain prospects of pot growers ever being licensed by…

Act Up SF Budtenders

In my SFDA ACT-UP SF file is a July 2000 letter from Drs. Donald Abrams and Paul Volberding, leading AIDS specialists at SF General Hospital,…

Dinner Al Fresco

Dear Sis, Thanks for inquiring about my health and state of mind. The former has been surprisingly good based on no coughing, don’t think fever…

Off the Record (August 5, 2020)

FORT BRAGG has extended its eviction moratorium until September 30th on a 4-1 vote, Bernie Norvell dissenting. It's probably not safe to assume the county…

Valley People (August 5, 2020)

ANOTHER AV POSITIVE. The Anderson Valley Health Center received a positive coronavirus test result last week from one of our medical staff members. We have…
