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Posts published in August 2020

Slip-Sliding Away

During all the long years of my fulltime corporate employment I had a skewed view of the world. Not because of boardroom policies or existential questions about who or what benefitted from my 50 or…


In pre-Covid times a hungry American was on a tour of a monastery. A familiar smell from the kitchen drew him away from the rest of the tour group. In the kitchen he spotted a…

The Navarro Saga: More Memories

Well, it's been a longer journey than I anticipated through my recollections and reminiscences warehouse 49 years of residence in Navarro has provided me. My original plan was three articles; this one is number ten.…

Journal of the Plague Year (#21)

Berkeley, CA, August 10, 2020 – Isabel Wilkerson’s “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” is an angry book. If you’re not angry after reading it, the reason may lie in the subtitle. Are you part…

If You’re Going To Do Something, Do It Right

My dad's motto was, "If you're going to do something, do it right." He had a thousand inspirational clichés, but that was the one that stuck with me the most. "If you're painting the wall,"…

ATM Comes to Boonville!

On Tuesday ground was broken on the new ATM project here in Boonville. I’ve been in meetings with Redwood Credit Union for the past year or so to bring an ATM associated with the credit…

Off the Record (August 12, 2020)

DR. BIRX said last Tuesday that 60% of counties across the United States are now seeing an uncontrollable spread of COVID-19 infections, that the cases are "extraordinarily widespread." Here in Mendo, there is a surge…
