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Posts published in May 2020

MCT: Sunday, May 31, 2020

Warming Week;
Willits Protest;
BBQ Cancelled;
Widespread Protests;
Like Magic;
Doohan On;
Pet Sprite;
Lizard Girl;
Local Decisions;
Hotel Ainslie;
Police Protocols;
FB Squatter;
Abusive Deputy;
Navarro Mill;
B Slothfulness;
Ed Notes;
CNN Siege;
Log Raft;
On Falling;
Yesterday's Catch;
Historical Violence;
Russian Gulch;
Wrong Way;
Navarro Mill;
Grudge Match;
Tax Dodgers;
Wendling Town;
Newsom Cuts;
Lesser-Evil Voting;
Still Life;
VP Choice;
Found Object

MCT: Saturday, May 30, 2020

Scattered Thunderstorms;
Community Spread;
False Positive;
Caspar Inn;
Sheriff Waffle;
Rex's Engine;
Anger 2020;
Wyoming Brush;
Summer Enrichment;
PV Power;
Palace Hotel;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hired Enemies;
Watts 1965;
Comptche Dance;
Karen Meme;
Graduation Procession;
Horseless Carriage;
Electoral College;
Caspar Schoolhouse;
Power Misuse;
Ominous Convergence;
Albion Store;
Space Force;
Controller Wanted;
Milk Club;
Marco's Back;
Found Object;
Safe Yachting

AV Testing

Anderson Valley Health Clinic is doing another round of surveillance testing for COVID19 next Tuesday, June 2, from 5-7pm. Anyone interested can email Luiza at…

Revised SIP Order

Post Date: 05/28/2020 6:00 PM This week Governor Gavin Newsom announced that counties approved for accelerated reopening can begin to reopen hair salons and barbershops.…

MCT: Friday, May 29, 2020

Low Pressure;
Five More Cases;
Triple Conjunction;
Jerry Bowers;
Vesuvius Moon;
Accelerated Reopening;
Discontinuing Enforcement;
Philo Church;
AV Testing;
Numerous Buddhas;
Eviction Ban;
Rose Bunch;
Farmers' Market;
Navarro Pier;
PA Church;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Bailout Hoarders;
Save Yourselves;
Big Salaries;
Klobuchar's Record;
Ukiah Church;
Mendocino Wastewater;
Groundwater Input;
Mendocino Church;
NBA Season;
Fireworks Fizzle;
Tokyo Fuji;
Hedges Can't;
Found Object

MCT: Thursday, May 28, 2020

AV Testing Results;
Hot Inland;
Bottled Kniphofia;
B Fuddling;
Missing Man;
Brooktrails Mill;
Caspar Curiosities;
Log Boom;
Russian River Request;
Playing Through;
FB City Council Meeting;
Skunk Tunnelers;
Lovesick Alien;
Blossoming Cacti;
Ed Notes;
Boonville Hiatts;
Shots Fired;
AV Sunset;
Larry Spring Museum Grant;
Navarro By The Sea;
Yesterday's Catch;
Willits Oil Rig;
De-Industrializing Food

Lockdown Stress

I don’t believe anyone would be surprised to know that there has been an increase in police calls associated with mental health since the Shelter-in-Place…
