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Posts published in April 2020

Memory Malfunkshun

Even before the dawning of Corona Time, the present age was marked by its inward-looking obsessions—selfie, blog, podcast, Facebook, Twitter. The desire to eat the…

Off the Record (April 22, 2020)

BERNIE GOES FROM VIABLE TO PATHETIC: "Today I am asking all Americans, I'm asking every Democrat, I'm asking every independent, I'm asking a lot of…

The Hip Lefty Lawyer

In 1967, the year Terence "Kayo" Hallinan was sworn in as a lawyer, thousands of young people would come to San Francisco for the "Summer…

Chief Naulty’s Primary Duty

Twenty-five days (as of last week) into an historic statewide lockdown, Fort Bragg is feeling the strain. Like Mendocino County as a whole, the town…

Bar Fights

Like his father before him, Terence Hallinan was prevented from practicing law by the California Bar Association. Vincent Hallinan's  license had been suspended for three…

The Rest of the Sheriff’s Story

I read with great interest Chris Calder’s two great articles back to back on Sheriff Kendall in the Anderson Valley Advertiser. What spiked my interest…

Upton Sinclair

Last January, before all hell broke loose, Seven Stories Press republished Upton Sinclair’s 891-page anthology, The Cry for Justice, subtitled An Anthology of Social Protest with the original…
