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Posts published in March 2020

MCT: Sunday, March 8, 2020

Surpassing February;
County Budget;
Pet Bailey;
Hospital Tent;
Empty Jets;
Explosive Johnson;
LR Airport;
Secret Treasure;
Wendling Mill;
Gloriana Fundraiser;
Shakedown Award;
Gucci Dreams;
Healthy Brains;
Yesterday's Catch;
Black Swanning;
Voting Fiasco;
Five Stages;
Excluding Tulsi;
Just Once;
The Sage;
Legitimation Crisis;
Pandemic Coping;
Pricey T-Shirt;
Unsteady Joe;
Orwellian Masterpiece;
White Rabbit;
Healthcare Analysis;
Ray Trial;
Christian Mythology;
Found Object

MCT: Saturday, March 7, 2020

Morning Shower;
Coronavirus Map;
Company Kitchen;
Yorkville Market;
School Bonds;
Humboldt Coal;
Budget Review;
Home Delivery;
Time Change;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Collective Insanity;
Trump Supporters;
Zombie Joe;
No Clue;
Don't Know;
Great Disrupter;
Drug Costs;
Biden Record;
Suppression Tuesday;
Political Wings;
Rags to Riches;
Ceiling Inheritance;
Bonner Book;
Joe Bitin';
Diesel Replacement;
Pogo Pres;
Brahman Available;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, March 6, 2020

Light Rain;
Uncounted Ballots;
Rubble Rumor;
Virus Precautions;
Protective Measures;
Flu v COVID;
Variety Show;
Opening Night;
Historical Pieces;
Judge Pekin;
VA Suicide;
Ponies Relocated;
Recognizing Val;
Mount Shasta;
What's Blooming;
AV Village;
Gowan Interview;
RQMC Data;
Shelter Project;
Peters Concedes;
B Fiasco;
Faultless Reasoning;
Warren Endorsement;
Yesterday's Catch;
Which Side;
Oh Workers;
Hoisting Nirvana;
Establishment Figure;
Social Ignorance;
Cats Up;
MAC Exhibits;
Dream Opponent;
Dem Losers;
Low Info;
Happening Again;
Calling Artists;
Costco Samples;
Dumbest Thing;
Holy Goats;
Original Joe

MCT: Thursday, March 5, 2020

Warm Dry;
Wild Ponies;
COVID Action;
Obsessively Refreshed;
Election Notes;
Plant Parenthood;
Civilizing Savages;
Amazing Race;
Multiple Stabbing;
Longs Plaza;
Historical Review;
Baseball Fire;
Company Kitchen;
Sad People;
Bloomberg Everywhere;
Sleepy Luis;
Yesterday's Catch;
Old Joe;
You're Disqualified;
Investors Celebrate;
DJ Grammer;
Policy Twins;
Man Killer;
Sako Concession;
Candidate Comparison;
Stark Differences;
Hyrum Guilty;
Jazz Caliente;
Buttigieg Legacy;
Empire Strike

Letters (March 4, 2020)

[Captain Fathom] 100 odd citizens of the Albion Nation gathered in the Mendocino Community Center to celebrate the life of one of our own, Michael Gehrke, aka ‘Pickle.’

Mr. Mudgett’s Murder

The year, 1896. The season, autumn. The time, murderous. A neighbor discovered the half cremated body of John Mudgett, a wealthy rancher of Usal, among…

High School Back in the Day

You might find this story unbelievable. Surprising. Even shocking. Yet what I am about to tell you was a common practice in Chicago in the…

The Call of the Mild

The problem with Jack London has always been that while he was a compelling storyteller with a vivid imagination, he was also a racist, or…
