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Posts published in March 2020

County Budget Notes (March 11, 2020)

THE SUPERVISORS will get a “mid-year budget presentation” (including a preview of next fiscal year, July 2020 to June 2021) on Tuesday, March 10. The…

Off the Record (March 11, 2020)

THE FINAL COUNT not yet fully tabulated but…in the First District for Supervisor: Glenn McGourty (47%) was leading Jon Kennedy (29%) with James Green (18%) and John Sakowicz (6%) trailing

MCT: Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Warm Inland;
Biden Again;
Election Monitors;
Deputy OD;
Paris Cafe;
Compaction Raises;
Moon Shot;
Millsite Maps;
Laytonville Basketball;
New Chief;
Ed Notes;
Leave It;
Poking Placebo;
Cruel Hoax;
Jargon Feast;
Stay Home;
Thistle Removing;
Grateful Support;
Helicopter Survey;
Cash 1959;
Elk Fundraiser;
Yesterday's Catch;
Rural Life;
Pugnacious Joe;
Old Reliable;
Virus Odds;
Mendocino Storytellers;
Face Touching;
Found Object

MCT: Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Clear Skies;
Jerry Maberry;
Harp Boont;
Senior Fundraiser;
Uncounted Ballots;
Coronavirus Updates;
Cave View;
Variety Show;
DE Thanks;
Human Remains;
Middlefinger Shot;
Neronian Tweet;
Schools Poised;
Rubble Watch;
Census Pledge;
VA Suicide;
Chandler Assault;
Yesterday's Catch;
Virus Directives;
Panic Buying;
Dumbing Down;
Long Emergency;
Eel Steelhead;
Detestable Moses;
Invisible Woman;
Huge Parade;
Planning Agenda;
Pension Problem;
Bieber Fundraising;
Wildlife Films;
Rummage Sale;
Criminal Parties;
Exit Fraud

As in a Great Theater

Scottish philosopher David Hume on not fearing the unknown.

MCT: Monday, March 9, 2020

Cloudy Cool;
Stone Forward;
Stocks Halted;
Offshore Quake;
Green Pickets;
Virus Updates;
Quiz Timechange;
AV Village;
Stocked Up;
Pot Reparations;
Remains Found;
Snyder Response;
Election Diseases;
Park Management;
Ed Notes;
Old Vic;
Yesterday's Catch;
Great Friends;
Bernie Marquee;
Zunes Interview;
Joe Kaufman;
Foodie Magazine;
Cooking Lessons;
Around 1970;
Joe Brando;
Nice Bernie;
Honoring Women;
Moderate Extremists;
Facebook Friends;
Almighty Crimes;
Joe Simon;
Filthy Lucre;
Found Object
