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Posts published in March 2020

The Disappearance of Mrs. Strong (Part 2)

John Simpson (think Simpson Lane south of Fort Bragg) and Robert White, early white settlers of the coast and employees of the Mendocino Indian Reservation at Noyo, traveled inland

Fires & Food

It was October 26th, and I was writing a simple article about the power going out in Arcata and the subtle social benefits this might…

My Life in the Plague

I spend most of my days and nights in a relatively small room, about 20 feet by 20 feet with about 8 feet headroom. I…

Things Have Changed

At least in wartime, the bars stay open. That’s how you know this is a different thing altogether from whatever else you’ve seen in your…

Off the Record (March 18, 2020)

THE BIG PICTURE, from the Boonville perspective. Events were overwhelming the leadership even before the virus and the economic disaster that will result from it.…

Valley People (March 18, 2020)

THE BOONVILLE SCHOOLS are closed as of Monday morning. The Center for Disease Control announced Monday morning that closures of all kinds should plan to…
