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Posts published in March 2020

MCT: Saturday, March 21, 2020

High Pressure;
Mendo CV;
Rubble Removal;
Co-op Seniors;
NY Disaster;
Ed Notes;
Costco Seniors;
Compliance Notes;
New Low;
Small Things;
Feeling Afraid;
Russ Remembers;
School Meals;
Boont Berry;
Food Options;
Weed Lines;
FB Mayor;
Local Newspapers;
Funeral Services;
Spit Not;
MCDH Update;
Farm Report;
Court Updates;
Mild Symptoms;
Young Crossdresser;
SF Lockdown;
Florentine Plague;
Corona Cost;
Plague Journal;
La Peste;
Sanders Campaign;
Doing Business;
Fed Dictatorship;
Drone Walk;
Mortgage Relief;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, March 20, 2020

High Pressure;
Boonville Survey;
Lauren's Takeout;
School News;
Safeway Shopping;
CSD Meeting;
Hoarder Trap;
Gualala Case;
Supes Agenda;
Accordion Run;
TP Thieves;
Lockdown Compliance;
Confirmed Cases;
Virtual Supes;
County Closures;
Paper Bunker;
Grand Jury;
Yesterday's Catch;
Criminal Capitalism;
Corporate Bailouts;
Blame Game;
Stop Shooting;
Very Model;
Sarah Streaming;
About Soap;
Cat Mother;
Isis Advisory;
2020 Olympics;
Fading Superpower;
Thank O;
Inherent Fragility;
Honolulu Report;
Family Iso;
Groundwater Act;
Election Tampering

MCT: Thursday, March 19, 2020

Sunny Weekend;
First Case;
Lockdown Enforcement;
Remembering Ricky;
Homeless Exemption;
Pacific Coast;
CSD Teleconference;
Ed Notes;
Treasury Proposals;
New Normal;
Virtual Classroom;
Social Distancing;
Coast Clinics;
Yesterday's Catch;
Silent Dan;
Backyard Bidet;
LakeCo Report;
MCBG Closed;
Hendy Open;
Useless DNC;
Cursive Writing;
Lockdown Life;
Inhumane Capitalism;
Dangerously Stupid;
Good Advice;
Bum Fight;
Illustrated Goldie;
Horse Lady;
Which Biden;
Coronavirus California;
Tulsi's Out;
Remembering Kayo;
Found Object

First Confirmed Case

First Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in Mendocino County Today, Mendocino County Public Health confirmed the first case of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Mendocino County. This…

Shelter-In-Place Order

Order of the Health Officer of the county of Mendocino directing all individuals living in the county to shelter at their place of residence except…

Letters (March 18, 2020)

[Chris Skyhawk] I think it’s not my place to advise anyone what they should do with their vote. But I do think it is instructive that "they" are

A Response to Steve (& Janet) Snyder

Steve: Since you are on the “advisory committee” for the Anderson Valley Land Trust, I'm glad you might be engaged and thinking about the issues…

More Reasons to Hate PG&E—Sometimes

(Lakeport) — It may seem like going after low-hanging fruit to take a shot at PG&E these days, but there is an aspect of their…
