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Posts published in February 2020

Obstetric Cuts at Coast Hospital

At its Thursday, January 30th meeting the Mendocino Coast Healthcare District's Board of Directors voted to transition the Labor & Delivery (OB) Department at Mendocino…

Little Todd’s Tool Box

Christopher Todd Mangrum and his co-defendant in the stolen scanner case, Sarah Walker, were in court again, facing a petition to revoke Mr. Mangrum’s probation,…

Credibility Problems

Dear Board of Supervisors: You at least seem to realize that asking us for money for yourselves probably won’t go over too well. It’s politically…

My Outsider and Insider Experience

When I arrived by bus, with just one suitcase, in Sonoma County at the end of 1975, I felt like an outsider, though my parents…

Chasing Trains in Arid-Zona

Sometimes in the depth of winter in Mendocino County escaping to a land of sunshine for a break seems like a REALLY good idea. If…

River Restoration

[Mar 5, 6] Restoring Stream Flows and Increasing Water Supply: Strategies for Farms, People and Fish in the Navarro River Watershed - Community Meeting at…

Veterinarian Visit

[Mar 5] Dr. Burns from Mendocino Animal Hospital will be at the Anderson Valley Farm Supply seeing patients on a first come, first served basis…
