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Posts published in February 2020

MCT: Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Warm Front;
Gonzales Resigns;
$20 Mil;
Local Democracy;
Water-Projects Meeting;
Half Wits;
No Tagalog;
Acrylic Pouring;
More Brians;
Seizure Man;
Lighthouse Poster;
Mayor Cheat;
Aged Tree;
Wildlife Lawsuit;
Yesterday's Catch;
NH Next;
Glad Reasons;
Selfish People;
Uncle Barack;
Paint Cleaner;
Super Bombast;
Hockey Fan;
Good Company;
First Load;
Fascism Checklist;
Pencil Startup;
Love Uncorked;
SOTU Strength;
Sako's Button;
You're Safe;
Shadow Inc;
Found Object

Candidate Responses

5th District Supervisor Williams posed the following seven questions to the candidates running for 1st and 2nd district supervisor. We will post their answers below…

MCT: Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Frosty Morning;
Michael Farrer;
Iowa Caca;
Unity Luncheon;
Forums Audio;
Cannabis Confab;
Condon Complaint;
Deputy Walker;
Saffron Paintings;
Crab Feed;
Unintended Consequences;
Water Meeting;
Dukett Selection;
Trail Scam;
Wildlife Lawsuit;
Quarry Lawsuit;
Sidewalk Closed;
Voter Information;
Yesterday's Catch;
Art Walk;
Mexican Avocados;
Dumb Dems;
Protective Measures;
TV Culture;
Political Reality;
Sold Out;
Winter Abundance;
America First;
Buttigieg Myth;
Niner Grades;
Halftime Comments;
Compost Workshop;
Super Buffet;
Working Poor;
Found Object

MCT: Monday, February 3, 2020

Cool & Breezy;
OB Gone;
Daffodil Vibes;
Superbowl Notes;
Jennie Matthews;
Allman Party;
Gjerde V;
Trail Scam;
Inland Dems;
Trade Schooling;
Escape Routes;
Coastal Clouds;
Blackout Liability;
Connecting Measles;
Yesterday's Catch;
Trans Hour;
Troop Support;
Weighty Soul;
Dharma Dude;
Republican Pride;
Anyone Care;
Marginal Stuff;
Found Object

Is SF a Liberal Cesspit?

A Brit writer claims San Francisco has turned into dystopian nightmare.

MCT: Sunday, February 2, 2020

Weatherful Day;
Affiliation Endorsement;
Surgical Return;
Pet Asher;
Women Athletes;
Company Kitchen;
Predator Options;
6 for 10;
Octopus Alert;
Pharmacy Robber;
Pentagon Command;
Sand Rivulets;
Unintended Consequences;
Candidate Questions;
Ukiah Trails;
Extended Forecast;
Taxicab Memories;
Yesterday's Catch;
Gold Standard;
Tough Tackle;
Congressional Farce;
Tedium Twins;
Hong Kong;
AV Village;
Corporatist DCCC

Cannabis Talk

[Mar 1] Fred Gardner Cannabis Talk In Willits On Sunday: “I've been invited by Richard Jergensen to give a talk at the opening of a…

MCT: Saturday, February 1, 2020

Rain Totals;
Wind Advisory;
Vivian Gowan;
Carol Edgmon;
Pinoleville Update;
Living Rough;
Freedom Dying;
Superbowl Prediction;
Land Trusts;
Berkeley Turkeys;
Howe Sues;
Carless Street;
Palestine Promise;
SoHum Bootlegging;
BOS Agenda;
Yesterday's Catch;
Disgraceful Hillary;
NFL Grift;
Anti-Sanders Machine;
Civil War;
Homeless Count;
Schiff Show;
Asylum Suitcases;
Keffeler Scholarship;
Packing Heat;
SF Corruption;
Inland Dems;
Marco Radio;
Found Object
