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Posts published in December 2019

MCT: Thursday, December 5, 2019

Approaching Front;
Bill Sterling;
Roof Fire;
Duane Missing;
Adventist Skeptics;
Abortion Service;
No Quiz;
Brewery Sale;
Francisco Mayhem;
Siddhartha Claus;
Ed Notes;
Less Buggy;
Shelter Funding;
Volunteer Training;
AV Village;
Trading Time;
Eel Canyon;
Yesterday's Catch;
Bargain Books;
Saying Cheese;
Throat Scratch;
Census Jobs;
Warm Thoughts;
Bulldozing Hebron;
Gutless Sanders;
Edmund Wilson;
Marijuana Reform;
Found Object

Letters (December 4, 2019)

[Sonya Nesch] Why would you spend Measure B money to build a money-losing Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU)? As the Kemper Report tells you, CSUs lose money in Napa County and Nevada County, and the one in Sonoma County has lost millions

Street Fighting Man

I know your eyes are glued to the circus in D.C. and the slaughter that’s taking place in Afghanistan and half-a-dozen other places in a…

PG&E Undergrounding

I have a Saturday afternoon show on KPFN and recently I was discussing operational and infrastructure improvements PG&E, its lax Public Utilities Commission regulators, and…

Burn Permits

Here's some general information on Burn Permits. The process is far more confusing than it should be but it is what it is. This is…

County Notes (December 4, 2019)

The behavioral health forum in Caspar last week (Monday, November 25th), inspired nothing but frustration, best expressed by Measure B's lead proponent, Sheriff Allman, who…

Yesteryear’s Medical Mayhem

Putting away research materials now that my new book “An Eclectic History of Mendocino County” is done I got to thinking about how I came…
