- Rain Respite
- Fire Relief
- Sandbar Breached
- Classic Results
- Pet Tortilla
- Tuar Ceatha
- Ms Megan
- Mental Health
- Hospitality Failure
- Medical Holdup
- GP Wasteland
- Garberville 1920s
- Ed Notes
- Yesterday's Catch
- Judge Advice
- Beverly Blvd
- Yore Mistakes
- Yemen Action
- Bern Surge
- Christmas Lane
- Entropy
- Nazi/Antifa
- Madalyn Murray
- Marco Radio
- Chomsky 91
- Xmas Blues
- All Russians
- Mundane Circumstances
- Found Object
CLOUDS AND A FEW SHOWERS will linger across northwest California this morning in the wake of a departing storm system. High pressure will bring dry weather for Monday with gradually clearing skies after some valley fog. A weak front will then bring light rain in on Tuesday, with mild but showery weather continuing through much of the remainder of the week. (National Weather Service)
- 4.76" Yorkville
- 3.46" Boonville
THE HIGH ROLLERS (Yorkvillians) also received the highest wind gust throughout Mendocino County at 66mph. The only higher speed recorded, from here to the Oregon border, was Ferndale at 73mph.
Donna Pierson-Pugh writes:
Dear Anderson Valley Residents and Beyond,
I am sure that you are aware of the terrible fire that burnt three houses in Boonville on Thursday, but has also left the residents behind Lizbby’s and Pic N Pay homeless. The greatest need is housing for three and possibly five households. All families have temporary placements but there is a single mom with four kids who will need a new dwelling by Monday. If there are trailers or mobile homes that are available, this could provide temporary to long-term solutions.
Tax Deductible Donations can be made to Sueño Latino and the donations will be shared between the families who lost their homes in the fire. The donations can be dropped off at the Boonville Firehouse or mailed to PO Box 601, Boonville, CA 95415. If you would like a letter please include your mailing address.
Replacement of clothing, personal hygiene items and other belongings is a need for the families whose houses burn, and gift cards to stores or gently worn clothing in the following sizes would be appreciated:
Men’s sizes Small (for a teen), Medium and large Men’s Shoes 8, 10,
Women’s sizes Small, Medium, Large Pants: 0, 4-5, 8 Women’s shoes 5-5.5, 6 – 6.5, 7
Child (girl) Large Child’s (girl) shoes 5
At this point the families don’t need home furnishing or kitchen supplies as they are staying in other people’s homes.
Thank you for your generosity! Anderson Valley knows how to solve problems and take care of its people.
“My family and I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of support and love we have received from this community. It is absolutely amazing and we feel so loved. We will post what we need but we are not the only ones affected by the fires and any and all help is welcomed and supported. Anything you give us that we don’t need will go to others affected by this fire. Everyone in this valley has made this tragedy a little easier to deal with. Thank you for everything. We love you.”
On Thursday, December 5, a fire erupted in downtown Boonville, California. The fire claimed local businesses and residences, and has displaced several families.
Three local families lost everything in the fire, including two family businesses. This fundraiser has been set up to raise money to help with immediate needs for these three families. Funds raised will be distributed equally to the three families to purchase food, clothing, toiletries, or any other supplies or resources that they need.
We are setting the goal at $15,000 in order to raise $5,000 per family.
MSP REPORTS: Navarro River Sandbar Breached — about 1:30pm Saturday. Highway 128 was expected to be open later that afternoon after roadway was cleared of water and debris. As of Saturday evening, Caltrans reported no road restrictions on Highway 128.

- Point Arena: 6, 7, 6, 9. T: 28
- St. Vincent: 10, 15, 15, 6. T: 46
Top Scorers: Taylor Bowen (Point Arena) - 16, T. Pease (St. Vincent) - 13, J. Sartori (St. Vincent) - 8
- Forest Lake Christian: 12, 17, 10, 10. T: 49
- Round Valley: 10, 9, 7, 16. T: 42
Top Scorers: Simon Blackburn (Forest Lake) - 16, L. Gilliland (Forest Lake)- 13, B. Britton (Round Valley) - 17, D. Guerra (Round Valley) - 13
- Pinewood: 17, 32, 17, 7. T: 73
- Laytonville: 11, 5, 3, 10. T: 29
Top Scorers: Bailey (Pinewood) - 21, Riches (Pinewood) - 19, Anderson (Laytonville) - 13
- Anderson Valley: 17, 12, 16, 16. T: 61
- Tulelake: 7, 12, 8, 18. T: 45
Top Scorers: Audie Hanes (Anderson Valley) - 19, David Parra (Anderson Valley) - 9, Allala (Tulelake) - 18, Walker (Tulelake) - 11
- Hoopa: 10, 7, 4, 2. T: 23
- Woodside Priory: 24, 17, 24, 12. T: 77
Top Scorers: J. Smith (Hoopa) - 9, Zach Zafran (Woodside Priory) - 26, D. Ajanaku-Makun (Woodside Priory) - 15
- Stuart Hall: 13, 7, 24, 28. T: 72
- Fort Bragg: 6, 12, 11, 14. T: 43
Top Scorers: Jasper (Stuart Hall) - 18, J. Clavelle and T. Mehtlan (Fort Bragg) - 10
- Bradshaw Christian: 16, 20, 20, 12. T: 68
- Cloverdale 9, 7, 11, 21. T: 48
Top Scorers: Capel (Bradshaw Christian) - 12, Muller (Cloverdale) - 22, Lemley (Cloverdale) - 14
- Argonaut: 19, 22, 29, 18. T: 88
- Valley Christian: 9, 16, 15, 15. T: 55
Top Scorers: Molin (Argonaut) - 22, Trotter (Argonaut) - 15, McIntosh (Valley Christian) - 15, Eakes (Valley Christian) - 13
—Courtesy, Kaitlin Espinoza, AV High
- Forest Lake Christian: 4 18 13 16 51
- St. Vincent: 17 12 7 10 46
Top Scorers: Simon Blackburn (Forest Lake Christian) - 22, L. Gilliland
(Forest Lake) - 13, Gio (St. Vincent) - 11
- Anderson Valley: 0 4 3 2 9
- Pinewood: 29 19 18 8 74
Top Scorers: Audie Hanes (Anderson Valley) - 4, Norwood and Bailey
(Pinewood) - 13
- Stuart Hall: 13 15 17 13 58
- Woodside Priory: 5 9 14 7 35
Top Scorers: Jasper (Stuart Hall) - 16, M. Covington (Woodside) - 11, Z.
Zafran (Woodside) - 9
- Argonaut: 9 19 17 10 . 55
- Bradshaw Christian: 16 15 18 12 61
Top Scorers: A. O'neal (Argonaut) - 21, C. Trotter (Argonaut) - 16,
Patterson (Bradshaw) - 24, Cooper (Bradshaw) - 14
- Fort Bragg: 16 . 17 14 . 11 . 58
- Hoopa: 3 11 14 19 46
Top Scorers: A. Whitehead (Fort Bragg) - 16, T. Mexican (Fort Bragg) - 12,
J. Smith (Hoopa) - 22
- Valley Christian: 7 12 15 14 48
- Cloverdale 28 35 30 12 105
Top Scorers: B. McIntosh (Valley Christian) - 13, L. Nichols (Valley
Christian) - 11, J. Lemley (Cloverdale) - 22, D. Muller and S. Turner
(Cloverdale) - 18
- Pinewood: 18 20 17 12 67
- Forest Lake Christian: 6 10 8 2 26
Top Scorers: Bailey (Pinewood) - 18, Riches (Pinewood) - 13, L. Gilliland
(Forest Lake) - 6
- Argonaut: 9 13 9 11 42
- Woodside Priory: 14 15 12 9 50
Top Scorers: O'neal (Argonaut) - 15, Zafran (Woodside Priory) - 14
- Bradshaw Christian: 13 15 11 13 52
- Stuart Hall: 12 12 16 15 55
Top Scorers: Cooper (Bradshaw Christian) - 16, Capel (Bradshaw) - 11, Max
(Stuart Hall) - 20, Wolber (Stuart Hall) - 12
Consolation Champion - Pinewood
Third Place - Woodside Priory
Second Place - Bradshaw Christian
First Place - Stuart Hall
Coaches Award - Charles Johnson (Stuart Hall)
MVP Award - Wolber (Stuart Hall)
All-Tournament Team:
- Jasper (Stuart Hall)
- Max (Stuart Hall)
- Cooper (Bradshaw Christian)
- Capel (Bradshaw Christian)
- Patterson (Bradshaw Christian)
- Zafran (Woodside Priory)
- O'neal (Argonaut)
- Blackburn (Forest Lake)
- Bailey (Pinewood)
- Lemley (Cloverdale)
Tortilla spent Thanksgiving at a foster home and came back to the shelter with an A+ report card. Her foster person told us Tortilla was calm, patient, loving, easy, and fit in immediately with no problems.

During her stay, Tortilla lived with a big Aussie/Rottie mix, 2 parrots and 2 cats! She didn’t bark, is crate trained, wants to learn and does so quickly. There’s lots of information and photos on Tortilla’s webpage, so please visit her at: mendoanimalshelter.com/dogblog/tortilla-d8gGw
The Ukiah Animal Shelter is located at 298 Plant Road in Ukiah. Visit our website for information about our canine and feline guests, and all of our services, programs and events: mendoanimalshelter.com. For more information about adoptions please call 707-467-6453.

On Friday, a windy, rainy day, I took a sports car drive in my 13 year old Nissan 350 Z down the coast and over to 101 in Marin County, then back through Boonville to my home in in Fort Bragg. I like to drive our winding country roads when it’s raining, and the Z has large, wide and heavy wheels-tires that grip well in the rain—more on this in a minute.
After stopping at Lauren’s for dinner, on I went on the last leg of the trip, through the redwoods on 128. It had been a smooth and fun day, but a lot of hours of driving—I was ready to be home with wife and cat. But fate intervened on this rainy, dark night.
A few miles west of Flynn Creek Road, I noticed a small branch protruding into the roadway, too late to avoid hitting it. It felt like a small, glancing blow, and I thought that probably all was well. Then I saw the low pressure tire icon flash on and knew I was dead-wrong. I went into denial for a short moment, then thought: This is really not so good—really bad place, really bad time for a blow-out.
I slowed down, found a place to pull off after a couple of minutes near Paul Dimmick campgrounds, near a small truck with camper shell. By flashlight, I confirmed that the tire was flat with a gashed sidewall. I tried to call my wife to let her know I’d be delayed, thinking she might also call a service to help me change the tire under these conditions. (I had recently injured my back, and it was still very sore. As noted, the Z has such heavy wheels-tires that I knew I would really do more damage to my old back if I even tried to do the job.) But of course, there was no cell service out there in the middle of nowhere.
Just then, out of the nearby truck came a young woman. I told her what was going on and she offered to drive down the road until she had cell service and call my wife for me. She said her name was Megan, and was traveling around the country, having begun in Florida. She was on her way to Big Sur, then off to Arkansas for Christmas. She said she was 26 and had been traveling around for 7 years.
Then she said, on second thought, “Let’s take a look at your tire.” After a quick look, she said “I’ll change your tire.” And, barefooted, she proceeded to do so quickly and efficiently, finding a better car jack than I had in her truck, hefting the small spare tire out of the trunk and putting the damaged one back in with little effort.
In the middle of all this, CalTrans came by and said we needed to get a move on it, as they were closing the road due to sandbar-caused flooding. In parting, I gave her my profuse old man thanks and some cash as recompense, which she took, though reluctantly. We wished each other safe travels and off we each went.
So my blessings and thanks go to Ms. Megan, a good-hearted, strong young woman from Florida, who was my savior indeed on this dark and rainy night.
—Chuck Dunbar
RICHARD MACK (posting on Mendocino County Fifth District Facebook page):
What bothers me is that the sheriff had to do Measure B because mental health doesn’t do their jobs and the jail is turning in mental health overflow, the platform he ran it on.
In my opinion, mental health is broken by design.
I have watched people get in trouble for or told not to do their jobs.
I watched Ortner management walk away with over $12,195,000.00
I have stacks of formal grievances, 8 patients rights “advocates”, etc., etc..
So why is mental health collecting even more money to not do their jobs?
Will measure B give them incentive to perform better?, because they can’t be out shined by the sheriff?
Time will tell.
I do appreciate that the community has taken an interest.
I was at the board of supervisors meeting when the Kemper report recommendations were told to the board, that Ortner was going to go by the recommendations.
I was also at the next meeting where an Ortner rep. got up to the microphone and said something to the affect of, they aren’t going to be doing that, can they get another $95,000 to close it out?
You can go back and watch the board meetings for yourself.
MSP heard the temporary emergency shelter at the Evergreen Methodist Church hasn’t been open during this most recent deluge. The clueless Hospitality Center (supposedly) will open a shelter December 15th - but what do the homeless do in the meantime?
The Hospitality Center has run a winter shelter for more than a decade but act like it’s their first rodeo. If the board of that organization isn’t removed “for cause” - something is drastically wrong. They are a complete failure.

by Rex Gressett
I feel like one of those guys you used to see in a robe with a sandwich sign saying “The end is near.” I go from meeting to meeting, article to article, blowing my little horn and the busy world just moves around me.
I keep on asking the question and our elected representatives keep on not answering it. As GP sells off big chunks of the incomparable 420-acre oceanfront mill site, and the city labors over the decades to enact some kind of zoning, it was finally decided by the City Council and a GP-friendly city Development Department that GP deserved to sell off 70% of the site for anything that you can imagine, heavy industrial, high-density housing — you name it, they zoned it.
The hair-on-fire intervention of the Coastal Commission jumped in to require that “Oh no, 70% of the site MUST be retained as open space."
So guess what?
70% of the mill site cannot be sold except as Open Space. It's going to be pretty ugly open space. Don't expect to walk on it. GP is not required to do anything with it, GP can't sell it and they damn sure won't make it a park.
So it will remain rubble-strewn, empty, fenced-off wasteland as inaccessible as it has always been for another generation. Nice work City Council — it only took 20 years and millions of dollars to work out this wonderful plan. I would congratulate the Development Director but they already fired her.
When I raised the issue with our earnest Mayor, Will Lee, he blew a fuse. No more information for you dude. Lindy Peters also banned me in perpetuity for asking the same question, but he eventually came around and we actually had a vigorous discussion when he interviewed me on Channel 3. He even brought a mean letter from GP aimed right at him to prove he wasn’t in their pocket. I never said he was. Good old Lindy.
I recently made a necessarily compressed statement in my allotted three minutes at the City Council meeting that the mill site zoning plan was on track to effectively screw the city either by deliberate intention or simply because they don’t know what the hell to do. They sure ain't talking.
Here is what Mayor Will Lee had to say about it:
The rezoning of the mill site is still a work in progress (as you know) and we will continue our public meetings. We hope to strike the right balance of open space, parks, medium and high-density housing, and industrial to serve the community and business needs for many years to come.
Parcels have been purchased by local businesses and anyone can contact Georgia Pacific for information on land purchases. We support local acquisition first. Time will tell if the City of Fort Bragg acquires any land but certainly if we can afford to do that we would because that property is the future of our city.
All the best,
Well, that certainly makes me feel better.
I thought that the community meetings had been discontinued in favor of the (former Development Director] Marie Jones multiple-choice survey monkey. Public meetings at this point would certainly be a big help. None are scheduled. Maybe the Mayor has one up his sleeve.
I am a little confused that Mayor Will Lee thinks he is going to “strike the right balance.” Looks to me like the Coastal Commission is mandating open space and Mayor Will Lee just told a whopper. He still refuses to do an interview so the people of the city have to give him the benefit of the doubt (or not).
Hypothetically, there are actually possible buyers for public open space. The city could buy it (if they had the money) and develop and maintain it - which they don’t and won’t.
The Coastal Conservancy could "ante up." But the Conservancy is not likely to purchase the remnants of an open space that has been otherwise chopped up into supermarkets and high-density housing which is what the City Council is doing as quietly as possible with as much obfuscation through ambiguity as they can contrive in their theater of political deception known to a cynical and disposed electorate as city council meetings.
In other words, business as usual — 30% of the mill site can be sold. Indeed, something close to that may be sold already. But there is simply no plan for the mandated-by-law GP-owned open space.
In all the years (decades) of discussion and meticulous, very expensive planning, no one at any council meeting has ever addressed this little rub.
Perhaps the City Council hasn’t taken it in intellectually — legally-mandated public space is the elephant in the room. So, of course, no one mentions it.
It is a very sure thing that GP is not going to remediate the area. GP won't do anything they don’t have to. I don’t mean clean up the toxins. Perhaps those are gone. They say they are. I mean plant some grass, put in trash cans and walking lanes.
In short, give us access to two-thirds of the site. Ain’t happening now or ever apparently.
What we have now is what we will have — a wasteland of industrial rubble, broken concrete and ancient asphalt. The Local Coastal Plan (LCP) is a formula for a great open fenced-off probably still in toxic failure.
It’s the big fail.

Redwood Highway/future US 101 at Garberville, early 1920s. Garberville Inn sign hanging across the road.
GROOMING TIP, assuming male toe nails fall within the embrace of appearances, but have I got a tip for you boys with thick nails, toe or finger. Paw Perfect! Ordinarily intended for anthromorphs to take the scratch out of dog and cat nails, this nifty little gizmo is, as I have discovered, just the thing for sanding down rather than cutting one's toenails, especially thick ones that defy toenail clippers and the other more hazardous clippers which, for me, always seem to also, and painfully, bite off too much cuticle. Paw Perfect, however, simply and painlessly sands those defiant babies down. Fast, too. $14.99 at WalMart.
I'VE BEEN BOMBARDED over the last week with salacious invitations from women about the age of my great granddaughters, if I had great granddaughters. "Naked and willing, Sandra sends you a private selfie. … Tammy checked you out and wants you badly." This kind of thing. Tammy certainly couldn't have checked me out too carefully unless she has some very weird geriatric fetish. Then I got this one: "Naked and willing Boonville housewife wants to meet you." Hmmm. Who could that be? But why this sudden deluge? I'm not a porn guy. In fact, as I've said here several times, I think pornography should be banned as bad for public morale, but that horse left the barn years ago, along with the whole herd of global pathologies unleashed by the internet. But the oddest, most startling flooze-o invite came via Facebook. It juxtaposed a photo of a comely young woman in her underwear with, of all persons, Charley Hochberg, the talented landscape photographer who lives in Philo! These were separate photos mind you because Charley is a respectable person inadvertently placed next door to the flooze by cyber-vandals. I thought it was funny, but Charley might be less amused.
ON THE SUBJECT of cyber-destructiveness, there's a truly startling piece in the current issue of LRB called "How to Buy Drugs" by Misha Glenny and Callum Lang, the gist of which is that anything the depraved or stoner heart might desire is available via the "dark web," non-sanctioned sites from which any drug you ever heard of is available for sale. And already is in Western Europe and the United States, at least the eastern areas of the United States, complete with highly sophisticated distribution networks offering home delivery! The cyber-organizers of these networks have apparently overpowered police efforts to bring them down because of limited police computer expertise. The experts, being limited in number, can make a lot more money in private employment, and millions through the criminal drug networks working the dark web. Although some major networks have been busted, as soon as they are three more pop up in replacement. I have to wonder if Mendo dopers are into acquisition through the dark web, because if they are there's no stopping them, not that there's any stopping them as it is.
ANOTHER SIGN of the End Times: 5 million high school students identify as current tobacco users, up from 4 million last year, as do 1.5 million middle schoolers, up from 870,000 in 2018.

CATCH OF THE DAY, December 7, 2019

JOHNY DELGADO, Fort Bragg. Controlled substance, paraphernalia, resisting, probation revocation.
EMERY ELLINGWOOD, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol. (Frequent flyer.)
JAMESON JACKSON, Redwood Valley. Protective order violation.

JEFFREY KOSTICK, Fort Bragg. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)
RAMON MACIEL, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, disobeying court order, illegal entry, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)
JOSHUA MORALES, Roseville/Ukiah. DUI, controlled substance.

KRISTO OUSEY, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, resisting.
MIGUEL PINEDA, Ukiah. Controlled substance, paraphernalia, probation revocation.
KIRK RICHARDSON, Ukiah. County parole violation.

REBECCA RODRIGUEZ, Willits. Loaded firearm in public, paraphernalia, false ID.
IVAN SANCHEZ, Fort Bragg. Parole violation.
COLTON SMITH, Ukiah. Conspiracy to defraud a person.
Advice for a Judge
About to Make
An unpopular Decision
Explain it just once,
Right there in your Decision.
Then sit down. Shut up.
Don’t comment more lest
Your Decision becomes just
Somebody’s comment.
It’s right or it’s wrong.
You worked through deciding it.
They didn’t. You did.
—Jim Luther, Mendocino

I appreciate your concern for quality writing; I am often disgusted by the illiteracy that pervades our society — especially among professionals who ought to know better. The increasing dependence on spell-check and auto-correct software only makes it worse. This brings to mind the following statement which I suspect you will appreciate:
“Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl yore mistakes.”

House Armed Services Chair Adam Smith has publicly committed to making sure that his own amendment, the Smith-Khanna-Schiff-Jayapalamendment to end the war in Yemen, makes it into the final version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). So why then are we getting word that he is wavering at this late hour, exactly when we need him to be steadfast and resolute? We appreciate that he has gotten the amendment this far, but it is meaningless if he doesn’t get it across the finish line.
Please take a minute right now to call Rep. Smith and urge him to oppose any NDAA that doesn’t include his amendment to end the war in Yemen. Call one or both numbers below, ask to speak with one of the people handling Yemen, and then say:
“It is long past time to end US participation in the Saudi-led war on Yemen. I urge Rep. Smith to accept nothing less than the insertion of his own Smith-Khanna-Schiff-Jayapal amendment in the final NDAA legislation.”
Rep. Smith’s personal office number: (202) 225-8901 Rep. Smith’s committee office number: (202) 225-4151
If you are a constituent of Rep. Smith in Washington state, make sure to say so when you call. It doesn’t hurt to call both numbers with the same message to ensure that his entire staff is aware of your concern. After you finish calling, please follow up by sending his office an email and tweet.
We at CODEPINK have been working to stop the war in Yemen since 2015 and now it has come down to this one pivotal moment. Democratic leadership is making a final decision — as early as today — about whether to finally end US participation in the Saudi-led war or not. That’s why your calls are urgent!
Both chambers of Congress — the House and Senate — have passed multiple War Powers Resolutions demanding an end to US participation in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, but Trump vetoed them. Then the House, with overwhelming support, put this provision into a bill that Trump would have a very hard time vetoing--the NDAA legislation that funds the military. Now it just needs to stay in the final bill.
On Wednesday, December 4, actor and activist Mark Ruffalo and more than a dozen Yemeni and progressive organizations — including CODEPINK — sent a letter to Rep. Smith urging him to make sure that his own amendment gets included in the final version of the NDAA. We need you to back up that letter by calling Smith’s office now.
After you finish calling, follow up by sending his office an email and tweet.
Enough calls to Smith’s office might make this happen. Yemen can’t wait, so call now!
BERN SURGE: A new poll from the UC Berkeley Institute of Government Studies conducted for the Los Angeles Times shows that Warren lost seven percentage points since the poll was last conducted in September, and is no longer leading the Democratic primary field.
The new leader is Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is up five percentage points since the poll was last conducted.
Here are top five candidates from the poll:
- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders - 24 percent (up five percentage points since September)
- Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren - 22 percent (down seven percentage points since September)
- Former Vice President Joe Biden - 14 percent (down six percentage points since September)
- South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg - 12 percent (up six percentage points since September)
- California Sen. Kamala Harris - 7 percent (down one percentage point since September)

ENTROPY — Thomas Pynchon
(As “Entropy” begins, there is an interminable lease breaking party. No one is admitted unless he or she can maintain at least three conversations simultaneously in three different languages. Among the guests is Duke di Angelis and his quartet who have mystified the host, Meatball Mulligan by sitting with their instruments in place without producing a sound.)
Meatball glared at him.
"I say," he said. "I have this new conception, man," Duke said. "You remember your namesake. You remember Gerry."
"No" said Meatball, “I’ll remember April, if that's any help."
"As a matter of fact," Duke said, "it was Love for Sale. Which shows how much you know. The point is, it was Mulligan, Chet Baker and that crew, way back then, out yonder. You dig?"
"Baritone sax," Meatball said, "Something about a baritone sax.
"But no piano, man. No guitar. Or accordion. You know what that means."
"Not exactly," Meatball said.
"Well first let me just say, that I am no Mingus, no John Lewis. Theory was never my strong point. I mean things like reading were always difficult for me and all—”
"I know," Meatball said dryly. "You got your card taken away because you changed key on Happy Birthday at a Kiwanis Club picnic."
"Rotarian. But it occurred to me, in one these flashes of insight, that if that first quartet of Mulligan's had no piano, it could only mean one thing."
"No chords," said Paco, the baby-faced bass.
"What he is trying to say," Duke said, "is no root chords. Nothing to listen to while you blow a horizontal line. What one does in such case is, one thinks the roots."
A horrified awareness was dawning on Meatball. "And the next logical extension," he said.
"Is to think everything," Duke announced with simple dignity. "Roots, line, everything ."
So the Antifa kids are possibly worse than the fascists, you say? Maybe, but you seem to forget the Charlottesville gathering a few years ago where the Nazis took to the streets with torches and weapons, beating peaceful protesters and killing a woman when a thug Nazi ran his car into the Antifa crowd. There is a global resurgence of Nazi violence that Trump has helped rekindle with his insane, "There are good people on both sides"-type tweets.
Right wing Nazi "babe" Coulter can handle the publicity stunt though. It's like going to a crowded movie theater and yelling fire, for her to go to Berkeley and spread her propaganda.
The kids are damned if they do or don't go protest the new fascist liars. Geeze, old guy, Jonah Raskin was Street Fighting Man, and you don't go on about that. WTF?
Also, it is a crime to attempt bribery and extortion, like Trump did, especially when you get caught right in the middle of it by a whistle blower — and Congress. 70% of Americans agree that it was wrong!
Too many of your "OFF THE RECORD" comments sound like Fox News B.S. lately...but we still love you!
Best Regards,
Rob Mahon
ED REPLY: Ed reply: Hear you, dude, and call me hopelessly bourgeoise, but from my experience — similar to Raskin's in my youth — a lot of people on the contempo antifa "left" are not quite as awful as the other side but still pretty awful. Dumb bastards, too, given their statements. In the Raskin era we were more, ahem, sophisticated. I do what I can with the puny megaphone I have to resist fascism, which I agree is again on the march."
THE CONTROVERSIAL FIGURE who was Called the “Most Hated Woman In America”

"Stop, drop and roll was always such a big deal as a kid. I really thought I’d be on fire more than this as an adult." — Steven Wright
The recording of last night's Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show on KNYO-LP Fort Bragg and KMEC-LP Ukiah is available by one or two clicks, depending on whether you want to listen to it now or download it and keep it for later and, speaking of which, it's right here:
Al Nunez speaks on youthful motor adventures, the drive-in, the dog races. There's the cat drama tale, where everyone involved is the good guy and the other one is the bad guy, which is standard for drama. Kay plays trombone through the phone. Various poems and arts and crafts, science and political and health info. Whimsy and tragedy, cake decorating tips and heads on spikes, NASA dolphin LSD trials, the latest in cutting-edge sex robot news… It's not just a mixed bag, it's a bunch of mixed bags in a blender, the effect I'm always shooting for. Oh, and at six hours and fifty minutes in, the one-hour recording of Gina O'Feral, Steve Worthen and Mark Friedrich in Mervin Gilbert's and Mendocino Theater Company's reading series production of The African Queen from last Wednesday, so.
Besides all that, at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you can find a fresh batch of dozens of links to not necessarily radio-useful but nonetheless worthwhile educational items I set aside for you while gathering the show together. Such as:
Jesse Wiedel paintings, by year. (Hank Sims of Lost Coast Outpost sent me the link to this.)
Slovenian trampolinos.
Liquid sheep.
And "You just wanta make sure you don’t make it all lumpy." I’m not sure there wouldn't be niche interest for that, though. People get jewels set into their front teeth, and tattoos on their face and neck and ears, and little metal clothespins that stick sideways through their tongue, and they can get a job in the post office or even in a /bank/ now, much less a bail bond agency or an adult toy store. I think a penis plastic surgeon is limiting his market by ruling out uneven lumps and corkscrew shapes and so on. And genetically engineered bacteria that would make it light up like a Christmas ornament, or memory-wire mesh implants that would make it flip left and right like a Billy Bass in response to stock price information on the Fox News chyron or a Dolly Parton song or a FitBit feedback loop. The sky's the limit for technological self-mutilation in this weird crappy timeline we're stuck in anyway since that idiot went back and stepped on the butterfly in the Cretaceous. Stay on the path, they said. There was even a sign. But it is what it is. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. /Or can you?/ Sure, with a syringe. Easy.
—Marco McClean, memo@mcn.org, MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Noam Chomsky. 91 Saturday.

Noam Chomsky has only donated to two presidential candidates: Ralph Nader and Bernie Sanders.
Please join us for a fun filled evening on Sunday Dec. 15, at the Caspar Community Center, show at 6:30. Xmas Blues with Suzy Thompson, Meredith Axelrod, and Del Rey! This will be a fun-filled holiday show with famed fiddler and blues shouter Suzy Thompson, riveting vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Meredith Axelrod, and resonator guitar/ukulele goddess Del Rey, featuring blues songs about Christmas and wintry weather — vintage gems like “Christmas In Jail”, “Santa Claus Blues” and “Cold Morning Shout.” These three blues and roots music divas love to play music together, and you’re invited to join the party! This event is a benefit for KNYO - The Noyo Radio Project
Tickets available at: brownpapertickets.com/event/4440070
‘She Was Robbed’: Clinton Claiming Russians Backed Bernie to Prepare Ground for 2020 Run
When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went on The Howard Stern Show Wednesday, she claimed her rival for the 2016 Democratic nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders, had hurt her run against Donald Trump, even claiming Sanders had Russian backing. To one expert, the whole affair suggests Clinton is preparing the ground for another run in 2020.
Aloha from Honolulu to Everybody~
Following my renunciation of climate justice activism, because it was pointed out to me that it is basically fruitless due to the fact that the antarctic ice sheets will melt out regardless, and then there will be no ice there to reflect the sun's rays which will result in increased warming, which will contribute to rising sea levels, which will possibly cause severe problems with global coastal nuclear power plants, I left California and returned to Hawaii. Having run out of money due to continuing to participate and otherwise financially contribute to peace & justice and radical environmental campaigns on the U.S. mainland since last spring, I applied for and received an increase in social security benefits while still in Southern Humboldt county in California. This included SNAP, formerly known as "food stamps". Arrived Honolulu Thursday night December 5th, and got a pickup at the airport from a friend who manages The Plumeria Alternative Hostel on Piikoi Street, where I have been assigned a small room. Friday December 6th was spent at the Honolulu Social Services office reporting the move from California, and after I was appreciated for having responsibly done so, I was advised that there would henceforth be a significantly smaller SSI benefit amount, because one of the California benefits Hawaii does not give. Later at another social services office, I filled out an application for Hawaii SNAP, formerly known as "food stamps", and was informed that I must telephone the California SNAP office and close my account prior to being able to receive Hawaii SNAP benefits, or else I would be attempting to get benefits from two states, which is a crime. The Hawaii SNAP personnel pointed out that they would telephone and inform me of my appointment day for an interview, and that I could close the California SNAP account in a timely manner. Obviously, it is to my advantage to do this efficiently, assuming that I wish to continue eating food. The highlight of the day was receiving a stronger dose flu shot for those over 65 at Kaiser Permanente, where I've got a senior HMO full membership. Went back to the travel hostel, which is allowing me to delay payment because I do not have enough money to afford the room plus all other monthly expenses presently, and took a cold shower, and then proceeded by bus to Kahala Mall to Whole Foods because the still active California SNAP card pays for a cold salad bar meal. Later, went to Waikiki Beach and got a strong latte and strolled around going past places I used to frequent, seasonally filled with tourists drinking and feasting. Having no present desire to drink beer, took a bus back to the travel hostel neighborhood, and am looking forward to a relaxing blissful sleep. Tomorrow, the Soul which witnesses and otherwise is responsible for the combined activity of the body and mind will do what it needs to do. Free of attachment from the existential hell of postmodern daily life, I look forward to the continuous improvement of my mundane circumstances, and welcome all creative opportunity ongoing. ~Mahalo~
Craig Louis Stehr
Email: craiglouisstehr@gmail.com

Before anyone else drinks the Koolaid that Allman keeps serving up you should do some research. Most the people in his jail that he claims are mentally ill did not commit their crimes due to their mental illness.
Mental Illness Not Usually Linked to Crime, Research Finds
The study didn’t find any predictable patterns linking criminal conduct and mental illness symptoms over time. Two-thirds of the offenders who had committed crimes directly related to their mental illness symptoms also had committed unrelated crimes for other reasons, such as poverty, unemployment, homelessness and substance abuse, according to the research. “Is there a small group of people with mental illness committing crimes again and again because of their symptoms? We didn’t find that in this study”
James Marmon MSW
Former Mental Health Specialist
Sacramento, Placer, and Lake Counties
If we dealt with poverty, unemployment, homelessness and substance abuse we could decrease the jail population significantly. Stop stigmatizing mental illness, and I mean it.
As a Trumper, James, you must surely know that the plagues you reference are not Trump priorities. They are, however, Bernie’s and the better Democrats.
Nice try Bruce,
President Trump’s Policies Continue to Benefit All Americans, Especially the Disadvantaged
“Disadvantaged groups experienced the largest poverty reductions in 2018. The poverty rate fell by 0.9 percentage points for black Americans and by 0.8 percentage points for Hispanic Americans, with both groups reaching historic lows. The poverty rates for black and Hispanic Americans in 2018 have never been closer to the overall poverty rate in the United States. Children fared especially well in 2018, with a 1.2 percentage point decrease in poverty for those under 18. Poverty among single mothers with children fell by 2.5 percentage points.”
“Trump Administration policies, such as tax reform and deregulation, have unleashed the private sector. As a result, unemployment has reached record lows, millions of jobs have been added, and wages have risen. It can no longer be denied that some of the biggest beneficiaries are Americans who have been disadvantaged historically.”
As for homelessness, Trump has hired Robert Marbut as his new homeless czar.
“Homelessness Needs Assessment and Action Steps for Mendocino County
“Using national best practices and the Seven Guiding Principles of Homeless Transformation as the key measuring tools, Marbut Consulting evaluated the current state of homeless service operations within Mendocino County. Marbut Consulting then conducted a needs assessment and gaps analysis between existing inventory and identified needs, including the types of services (qualitative) and capacity of services (quantitative) needed within Mendocino County. Dr. Robert Marbut formally started in Mendocino County on October 4, 2017. Dr. Marbut made a final community presentation of his observations, data analyses and recommendations on March 15, 2018. Marbut Consulting then finished this study and written report on March 19, 2018.”
As for Substance Abuse
Trump Administration Announces $1.8 Billion in Funding to States to Continue Combating Opioid Crisis
“Thanks to President Trump’s leadership and the hard work of so many Americans in local communities, we are beginning to win the battle against the opioid overdose crisis,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “Our country is seeing the first drop in overdose deaths in more than two decades, more Americans are getting treatment for addiction, and lives are being saved. At the same time, we are still far from declaring victory. We will continue executing on the Department’s 5-Point strategy for combating the opioid crisis, and laying the foundation for a healthcare system where every American can access the mental healthcare they need.
Trump vows to ‘smash the grip’ of drug addiction
President Trump on Wednesday vowed to “smash the grip” of drug addiction in an address to a substance abuse summit in Atlanta.
“We will end this terrible menace, we will smash the grip of addiction,” Trump said.
“We will not solve this epidemic overnight,” he said, while adding “nothing’s going to stop us.”
James Marmon MSW
You peddle so much BS that the few truths you expound are tainted, James.
By the way, Trump’s tax cut for the wealthy was balanced by a tax increase on middle-income workers. The rest of your examples are similarly false, just more examples of Trump’s lying bluster. Fascists like Trump, Obama, and the Clintons, et al. always lie, and their ignorant followers swallow those lies, hook, line, and sinker.
Trump Administration Accomplishments:
• Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
• More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
• We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
• Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
• Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
• New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
• Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
• African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
• Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
• Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
• Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
• Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
• Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
• Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
• Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
• The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
• 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
• Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
• Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
• As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
• Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
• Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
• Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
• Record number of regulations eliminated.
• Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
• Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
• My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
• Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
• We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
• Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
• Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
• We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
• Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
• Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
• United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
• Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
• Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
• Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
• NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
• Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
• Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
• Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
• Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
• Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
• Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
• Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
• Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
• Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
• Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
• Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
• Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
• Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
We have begun BUILDING THE WALL.
Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
Just more of your BS and propaganda, James. I suspect that if the White House or the corporate press issued a release saying blue was green, that you would proclaim it to be the unvarnished truth. I really feel sorry for you.
Trump campaigned on getting us out of criminal Mideastern wars (which Israel lobby war criminals got us in & keep us in).
Years later, he’s still doing Israel’s bidding.
Trump campaigned on stopping the (largely Israel-lobby funded & organized) alien invasion. Trump could easily declare “ISRAEL IS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS!” while demanding that Israel tear down its MONSTER border walls & welcome everyone on Earth to immigrate to the Jewish State. Yes he could, but (like all the bought-&-paid-for Democrats) he wouldn’t dare.
So years later, he’s still offering token resistance to doing the Israel lobby’s (HIAS, SPLC, ADL, ACLU, etc. ad nauseum) bidding.
Meanwhile, Trump green lights the Terrorist Theocracy of Israel seizing ever more Arab lands. His popularity in Israel is off the charts, a fact “our” controlled media, AVA included, aren’t about to mention.
Trump (at the behest of Israel lobby billionaire sugar daddies) keeps pouring ever more $$$ TRILLIONS $$$ into the Pentagon wishing well. That is NOT something to brag about, unless you approve of the US continuing to do Israel’s dirty work (which you obviously do).
If you can factually refute anything I say, please do so (calling me names doesn’t count).
Totally off, and right off some neo-fascist, anti-Semitic website.. I hope you’re not related to the great, George Kittle whose catch and run today to set up the Niner’s win was a thing of beaut.
“Anti-Semitic” (definition):
A term endlessly brandished by Israel’s war criminals (& their apologists) with the intention of suppressing all questioning of their long criminal history; lately losing much of its oomph.
Love the silence after President Trumps achievements are shown numerically. Thank you James. However I missed the score from his thankgiving day golf game.
Finland Is a Capitalist Paradise https://nyti.ms/2PnnajB
Of course the NYT isn’t going to tell you the real reasons “Finland Is a Capitalist Paradise”:
— Low population pressure (i.e., SUSTAINABLE birthrate).
— High average IQ
— Homogenous, high-trust (i.e., not “multicultural”) population.
Yes, unwelcome FACTS are “hate speech,” we understand.
READ! Mr. Little
This article was written FOR the NYT by a Finn woman and her US husband—multicultural enough? Sheesh!
FREE education from birth to grave…that’s how you build an educated populace, son.
EVERYBODY participates in this social democracy (by, for, and of the people): rich, manual labor and immigrant.
Remember those Black leaders who (backed by Jewish brains & money) overthrew apartheid in South Africa?
You know what they said when they visited Israel/Palestine?
They unanimously (!) said the Palestinians experience worse apartheid than the WORST apartheid they (the Blacks) ever experienced in South Africa! (I suspect you know this.)
Your august grey lady NYT is in truth a shameless Zionist propaganda dispenser, long-time property of the Sulzberger family, & cheerleader for the apartheid Jewish State & its false-flag wars against its Arab (& Persian) neighbors.
NYT writers, if not anti-White-male Jews, are overwhelmingly anti-White-male “persons of color.” So the NYT piece you refer to by the woman in Brooklyn is likely an anti-White Jewess, who cites the well-known stat:
“Finnish citizens report extraordinarily high levels of life satisfaction; the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ranked them highest in the world, followed by Norwegians, Danes, Swiss and Icelanders.”
What she cynically ignores is the unsavory fact that these same countries are not only overwhelmingly White, but the most horrific of all Whites — Aryans!!
Your NYT reporter surely knows the “happiness index” of these Northerners is only recently beginning the free fall already experienced in Western European countries to their south. Far from finding “diversity being their strength” — they are being destroyed by catastrophically UNSUSTAINABLE immigration of extremely hostile massively over-breeding Africans & Muslims.
Meanwhile, apartheid Israel has race riots — where Jews riot AGAINST African immigrants!
When you’re done calling me names, show me anything I’ve said that isn’t true.
I am grateful for courageous Jewish whistle-blowers. Anyone honestly welcoming DIVERSITY of OPINION can find it at the Unz Report:
— [ http://www.unz.com/ ]
Pat Kittle,
Are you any relation to George Kittle?
As always,
When you (predictably) change the subject, you acknowledge that the facts I state are indeed facts.
If he is…..well, that would be most unfortunate.
Same goes for you, bruce.
When you (predictably) change the subject, you acknowledge that the facts I state are indeed facts.
(I realize that by posting junk comments you & Lazarus are anxious to move my irrefutable facts about the Terrorist Theocracy of Israel out of the “Recent Comments” column on the right side-bar. How clever of you.)
I was just curious, George Kittle is a great tight end, maybe the best in the NFL.
As always,
If what Allman claims is true, what the f*ck happened to Mendo’s Mental Health Court? Mental health courts (MHCs) are specialized, treatment-oriented, problem-solving courts that divert mentally ill offenders away from the criminal justice system and into court-mandated, community-based treatment programs.
Answer: There are limited community-base treatment programs available in Mendoland thanks to Nurse Ratched and the Schraeders.
The goal is to enhance public safety and reduce recidivism of criminal defendants who suffer serious mental illness by connecting them with community treatment services and ongoing court supervision.
The new program is a collaborative effort of the Ukiah and Fort Bragg Courts; the Mendocino County District Attorney’s and Public Defender’s Offices; the County Social Services Department; local law enforcement agencies; and other community organizations involved in behavioral health treatment and advocacy.
And what happened to the Stepping Up Initiative that the BoS endorsed in 2015?
Reducing the Number of People with Mental Illnesses in Jail:
Six Questions County Leaders Need to Ask serves as a blueprint for counties to assess their existing efforts to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses and co-occurring substance use disorders in jail by considering specific questions and progress-tracking measures.
Here are the six questions county leaders need to ask:
1.Is your leadership committed?
2.Do you have timely screening and assessment?
3.Do you have baseline data?
4.Have you conducted a comprehensive process analysis and service inventory?
5.Have you prioritized policy, practice, and funding?
6.Do you track progress?
Isn’t APA the outfit that endorsed and whose members assisted in U.S. torture in the Middle East?
Psychologists should stick to playing with their Skinner boxes.
Fans of Thomas Pynchon who enjoyed the excerpt printed in today’s MCT can read the entire short story at,
Compare the images in these two links. Are they not the same person?
Greta is grotesque. She’s rather like a Swedish Craig Stehr.
I believe in anthropogenic climate change. However we need to pay attention to climate scientists, not mentally retarded Swedish dwarves.
Sitting in the basement serials section of the Honolulu Public Library, notebook of blank pages open and a pen in hand, body and mind relaxed and thus useful for automatic writing. This is the method that spiritual authors have adopted since recorded history, in order to write down the essential messages for their civilizations and for future generations. This is the method of mystic writing, particularly poetry, sacred literature, drama, and song. Mystical poetry is widely read, available on the internet, as are epic literary monuments such as Sri Aurobindo’s “Savitri”. “Savitri” is an extraordinary example of automatic writing, which testifies to the incredible power of the Divine Absolute which works through the non-interfering instrument of the individual body and mind. >>>Exactly what automatic writing amounts to, is sitting down at a writing desk, holding a writing instrument in hand over a blank page, and waiting for the words to flow onto the surface of the paper.<<<
Sri Aurobindo reported that at times nothing would happen and that at other times many pages were filled. Most crucial is that he maintained a regular schedule, which resulted in the epic work "Savitri".
Right this moment, I am not interfering with this pen writing down all of these words, none of which were pre-conceived, and this was not previously pondered, and there is no rough draft. Sitting here comfortably in a chair at a desk in the basement serials section of Honolulu's Public Library, the pen easily moves and the words flow onto the blank pages of the writer's notebook, line after line, page after page. The physical body is relaxed, and the mind is at ease. There is an absence of tension, because the ego is not the author. There is a hand holding a pen, a relaxed mind, a slight smile on the face, and where are the multifarious hells of postmodernism? Where is the hopelessly crazy fear of death? Where is the American devotion to consumerist capitalism? Where is the absurdity of Washington politics, and the spectre of nuclear war?
Without any prior consideration, absolutely no forethought or pre-planning, and no rough draft, the ballpoint pen continues to move and the words appear. This is automatic writing. This is a perfect activity for a very troubled world. Everybody is invited to join with me in a collective automatic writing group. Take up this sacred activity, and answer the impossible philosophical question: "What would you do in this world if you knew that you could not fail?". OM Shanthi
Craig Louis Stehr
Email: craiglouisstehr@gmail.com
Rather than blaming an “annoying Swedish misfit” how about going after the adults who obviously sponsor her?
BTW, It’s easy to tell if a “climate activist” is serious.
If they advocate inviting everyone on Earth to move to its most notorious carbon emitter (i.e., open borders & “sanctuary”) we can be certain they’ve got another agenda altogether.
Found Object
Doc Martens? very nice…
As always,
Amen! If the fascist scum wanna be tough guys, then they should be met with an even stronger force, and wiped out. “Nonviolence” doesn’t work against fascist trash.
There was a time it seemed Louis Bedrock might be a decent, smart fellow. But no longer. Just this week, he submits something so execrable about trans people it has to be deleted, and now he’s calling a young woman a “mentally retarded Swedish dwarf.” That’s wrong on all counts other than Swedish, but also pure piggish indecency. Editor, even if this is a case of angry senile dementia creeping in, hasn’t he now reached the lowest bar for banishment here?
(As for Trump’s “accomplishments,” quoting the White House as evidence there is sickly funny, and contrary to all evidence as evaluated by independent experts. What’s next, “Jim Jones did great things for black people, says Jim Jones”?
There was a time it seemed Louis Bedrock might be a decent, smart fellow. But no longer. Just this week, he submits something so execrable about trans people it has to be deleted, and now he’s calling a young woman a “mentally retarded Swedish dwarf.” That’s wrong on all counts other than Swedish, but also pure piggish indecency. Editor, even if this is a case of angry senile dementia creeping in, hasn’t he now reached the lowest bar for banishment here? Do you really want even more readers vowing to avoid the AVA because of a single sick troll?
(As for Trump’s “accomplishments,” quoting the White House as evidence there is sickly funny, and contrary to all evidence as evaluated by independent experts. What’s next, “Jim Jones did great things for black people, says Jim Jones”?
Jim Jones was a Socialist, Trump is a Capitalist. The two can’t be compared to one another, apples and oranges Heilig.
Trump is a self-serving, unelected moron, James, one who consistently lies. Nothing more, nothing less.
Jim Jones was a speed freak and one of these opportunists who was a socialist when he was talking to libs, a fascist when he was talking to Mendo’s John Birch Society. His last days were the all-time amphetamine-induced psychosis.
Breaking News
Finland picks 34-year-old Sanna Marin as its new Capitalist Social Democrat Prime Minister – The Hindu
Where it all started, Mendocino County.
Assignment: Ukiah- Jim Jones’s Socialist Utopia: All equal(impoverished or dead)
“The biggest stain and horror in Mendocino County history has to be the invasion of Redwood Valley by the red hot Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple in the 1970s.”
“We might think he was sincere in the early days when he spoke of God’s love and making the world a better place, but who cares? Jones quickly abandoned Scriptural testimony in favor of promising a socialist nirvana; by 1962 his sermons began clogging up with (reasonable enough) tirades against racism and inequality. Soon he was stomping on the Bible from his onstage pulpit and raving that Nixon, the FBI, Jimmy Carter, the CIA and the Army all had plans to assassinate him. He said he had an atomic bomb tucked away in a warm place for his own protection, and that he had discovered vast caves in Redwood Valley where followers would be safe when doomsday arrived.”
“His faith in socialist governments in Russia, Cuba and Africa never wavered.”
Calling for banishment for submission of written opinion is ridiculous, wrong, and, in my opinion, cowardly. It is in fact something that would be expected of a fascist, which in my opinion many supporters of the Clintons, Obama, and the modern democratic party tend to be. If threats of physical violence against others in the comments was the issue, I might find myself in at least partial agreement with you. But that is not the case.
I disagree with much of what appears in the paper, but do not call for banning either the publication or those who make comments not in agreement with mine, and, of course, there are many of the latter. It’s just part of life.
Thanks for the link to the article on Madalyn Murray O’Hair—although I don’t feel it does her justice. Her words and actions gave me the courage to refuse to say the Lord’s Prayer or salute the American flag in school, for which I was excoriated by most of the teachers as well as by some classmates. I don’t regret it. It made me a stronger and better person.
She too received censorious comments from sanctimonious, pompous asses who demanded she be banned because they didn’t like her ideas.
I stand by my criticism of fascistic trans-politics that equate transvestites who have had cosmetic surgery with real women; and I stand by my criticism of the annoying Swedish misfit.
Who’s behind Greta?
Why does this little dork get the attention and access that she does?
The Greta’s phenomenon may reflect the popularity of the puerile biblical mythology of “a young child shall lead them”.
—The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
Isaiah 11:6 (KJV)
I prefer leaders who are adults and who don’t suffer from Asperger’s syndrome.
I don’t trust faux-charismatic children whose parents have an agenda.
Harvey, you’re right about George Soros — he has another agenda altogether.
If these “climate activist” types were serious they would NOT be literally inviting everyone on Earth to move to its most notorious carbon emitter — which most of them do, with their demands for open-borders & “sanctuary.”
Two novels that I consider pertinent to life in the modern U.S.
Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult (peecoh).
The Night Window by Dean Koontz
Amazing that one has to turn to novels to get a more accurate depiction of where we are as a people and country. Our “free” press and other nooze media fail miserably in this regard…as they always have.
With a few exceptions the comments section today is kind of a circus, or maybe a zoo…
Yup. And the moon is full yet.
Yeah, the haters are back spewing their venom on what was until now a lovely Sunday afternoon. Most exciting regular season football game I’ve ever seen. I love the AVA, by far the best source for Mendo news, but I, too, will seriously consider not renewing if the haters continue to dominate the comments. And don’t tell me just don’t read the comments. Wonder how long it will be before the “oh how sanctimonious” personal attacks appear?
Stephen Rosenthal:
I know you are NOT implying that I’m a “hater,” because I state FACTS and welcome anyone to rationally refute them, as opposed to simply calling me names or making threats.
Surely if someone of your esteem disagreed with my FACTS you would forthrightly debunk them. Since you haven’t, I thank you for agreeing that my FACTS are indeed FACTS.
My memories of the 1950’s, my dad bought a home in Ukiah Village, bought an airplane and a green Austin Healey. My uncle Marion, my name stake, bought me a complete cowboy contume. He was a tank operator at the battle of bulge. “Hell on Wheel’s”
that should be namesake please correct it.
Oddly, my parents (born in 1904 and 1910), both dyed-in-the-wool Southern Baptists, had a great deal of respect for Murray-O’Hair.