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Posts published in November 2019

New Year’s Eve Party

[Dec 31] Come dance and toast in the new year at Lauren’s Restaurant! Well, we wanted to make sure some place was open in Boonville…

Comptche Bingo

[Dec 31] New Year's Eve 'Bingo' In Comptche! Tuesday, Dec. 31 at 7pm. "Join us for the annual NYE Bingo! Please bring a snack to…

MCT: Saturday, November 30, 2019

Storm System;
Gina Aliases;
Joe Scaramella;
Our Only Hope;
Hip Replacement;
Save 100%;
Yesterday's Catch;
FAIR Insurance;
Never Give Up;
Without Solidarity;
Love Child;
Horowitz Report;
Macron Statement;
Favorite Books;
Prison Bad;
Economic Price;
Buy Nothing;
Influence Peddler;
My Beating;
People's Movement;
Donahue Firing;
Found Object

Circle Dance

[Dec 29] Join us this Sunday, December 29th, 3-6:30 pm for our special Return of the Light & New Years Circle Dance Celebration Come join…

AV Library Closed

[Dec 21-31] The Anderson Valley Library will be closed Saturday December 21 through Tuesday December 31, for the holidays. We will reopen on Jan. 4,…

MCT: Friday, November 29, 2019

Michael Hulbert;
Community Dinner;
Gina Wanted;
PV Project;
Gjerde Libel;
UVSD Effulent;
Ed Notes;
Divided Thirds;
Help Al;
Yesterday's Catch;
Holiday Tip;
Various Delusions;
Brickwork Ad;
Climate Questions;
Acid Test;
Attenborough Conservation;
Plath Cooking;
Never Bernie;
War Veterans;
62 Corvette;
GOP Xmas;
Medicare Disadvantage;
Found Object

MCT: Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sub Freezing;
Hunnicutt Case;
Gjerde Statement;
Aluminum Softop;
B Questions;
By Limo;
Abandoned Vehicles;
Panthers Tamed;
Historical Luncheon;
Sloppy Joes;
Directives Directive;
Brains Required;
Senior Scuffle;
Saying Grace;
No Quiz;
Holiday Plot;
Crown Not;
Crafts Fair;
Yesterday's Catch;
Moral Priorities;
Terrorist Nations;
Moral Responsibility;
Dad TV;
Performance Anxiety;
Voter Suppression;
Hard Lord;
Homeless Bank;
Oppression Delusion;
Humboldt Thanksgiving;
Found Object

Letters (November 27, 2019)

[Michael Stocker] Now that most of the smoke has settled and the power has returned to our neighborhoods, it is probably a good time to look at what went wrong. Of course I am referring to the Pacific Gas and Electric
