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Posts published in October 2019

Hit & Run Theater

[Nov 15, 16] On the weekend of Friday and Saturday, November 15 & 16, Hit & Run Theater will present two nights of improvisational comedy…

Letters (October 16, 2019)

We have no say in what is going on. I sit in dismay as a 51-year resident at what has happened to our city [Santa Rosa]. We are being fed that the homeless problem is solely due to affordable housing

Murder at Rancho Navarro

Is Michael J. Saner sane? The trial for Michael J. Saner finished up last week. But the jury, due to the long weekend, was still…

Powerless: Ain’t Got No ‘Lectricity

When I heard that PG&E was going to turn off power in my part of the world my first response was denial. I thought that…

Haight Before the Lovers Moved In

I lived in the Haight because it was a cheap, lower middle-class neighborhood, and a step above the Tenderloin. In 1963 it was a working-class…


A young attorney, who had hung his shingle in Mendocino's county seat, proved to be the first witness in the history of the courts of…

Comptche Wants to Detach!

With all the problems facing Mendo, the state and the nation these days, what issue would you expect would draw a large contingent of truculent…
