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Posts published in September 2019

Wildfire Book Party

[Oct 4] Last year, I put out a call for stories, photographs, and artwork for a project called the Mendo Fire Storybook. The book is just about finished, and we are planning our release party.…

Photo Exhibit

[Oct 4]  Celebrating our Agricultural Heritage: A Photography Exhibit from the Mendocino County Historical Society  On Friday, October 4th from 5:00-7:00 pm, the Ukiah Branch of the Mendocino County Library is hosting Art Walk Ukiah,…

Affiliation First

The most significant news out of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors meeting on August 29 was the suspension of a contract with Meditech for a new electronic health record (EHR) system.…

PG&E Returns

Last July 16 PG&E sent a youngish guy named Matt Pender, PG&E’s “Director, Community Wildfire Safety Program Program Management Office,” to a Supes meeting to explain their planned Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) program for…

Heath Goes Shopping

If somebody gets your credit card and goes on a shopping spree with it there’s not a lot the law can do about it because the defense lawyers, even the free public defenders, have so…

Mural Unveiling

[Oct 4] Marta Alonso Canillar will unveil her mural entitled, "Mendocino, Land of Extravagant Visions!" on First Friday, October 4, from 5-8, at 245 N. Franklin Street in Fort Bragg. This will be part of…
