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Posts published in December 2018

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2018

B Updates;
ICE Compliance;
Tree Lighting;
Bridge Stewards;
Little Dog;
Kristofferson Sighting;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Worthless People;
Fire Refugees;
Four Suits;
80th Birthday;
Fire Preparedness;
Tosh Memoir;
Featured Artist;
Housing Bills;
Jewish Refugees;
Bush Legacy;
Shockingly Dead;
Moscariello Show;
Wildfire Vulnerability;
Miserable Life;
Uncle Bucky;
Found Object

Fort Bragg Winter Shelter DOA

The Fort Bragg City Council met Monday night November 26, in a sparsely attended hall. The usual suspects were back in their big padded seats…

Tom Bell’s Flat

Along the Comptche-Ukiah Road, east of the nearly forgotten town of Melburne, is a spot known to locals as Tom Bell's Flat (or Tom Bell…

Fire on High Greenwood

At 5:50 in the early morning of Friday, November 16, 2018, my wife woke me up to say the house was on fire and we…

Supes Notes (Dec. 5, 2018)

There was very little of interest on the Supervisors agenda for Tuesday. It seems that the more we pay them, the less they meet, the dumber…

Gunning for the Neighbors

Benjamin Meyer came in for a preliminary hearing on charges that he’d gone to a neighbor’s house with a shotgun and blasted two sleeping dogs to dog heaven as they lay in their separate doghouses.

Valley People (Dec. 5, 2018)

Early risers Monday fell to their knees in awe and gratitude at the splendor of the sun’s rise. These rare occasions are less rare at this time of year as Old King Sol announces himself in a scattering of rain clouds he turns to waves of golden grays as he makes his glorious way to the heavens.

What? Another AV Newspaper?

Don’t panic. We’re talking almost ancient history here. As I sorted through research materials acquired while writing a 150-year history of Mendocino County I look…

Off the Record (Dec. 5, 2018)

At last, hope for Mexico: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, 65, vowed to profoundly transform Latin America's second-biggest economy and to end corruption in the government at the ceremony in Mexico City.

KZYX GM to Resign

KZYX general manager Jeffrey Parker offered his resignation to the KZYX Board of Directors at the Board’s November 28th meeting. Parker has served as the public radio station’s general manager for two years.

Letters (Dec. 5, 2018)

I am seeing letters and comments from people who seem to be afraid of allowing immigrants into the US, especially the 6000 or so who are part of a “caravan” that is just now on our border. If these folks are like past immigrants, both legal and illegal, they will work hard and contribute mightily to our nation – just as most of our own ancestors have.
