What makes an activist? You can take any group of like-minded liberals and some at the inactive end of the spectrum will become couch potatoes screaming at their TVs and baying at the moon. But a very few will toil away at the action end of the spectrum, rising early every day, seven days a week, to till the rocky soil of hard social and political change – someone like Betsy Cawn of Upper Lake in Lake County.
Her route to activism wasn’t always smooth and was never a sure trajectory. Its fits, starts, and new beginnings landed her in Lake County over a decade ago for all kinds of unrelated reasons: practical, emotional, and just plain serendipitous.
Cawn and I agreed to meet in Upper Lake, at Double D’s Coffee at 9453 Main Street, on the left side of the street after turning off Highway 20 from the west. Refreshingly, parking was not a problem. When none of the friendly faces in Double D’s belonged to Betsy, I asked two older gentlemen settin’ on the raised wood sidewalk in front if they’d seen Betsy. “Sure,” one said, “she’s two doors down.” He pointed to a sign for the EPI Center, short for Essential Public Information Center, which Cawn established back in 2005 and runs with a friend.
Stepping into the EPI Center’s space is a dream come true for the restless fact-seeker. Every surface is covered with information about Lake County: detailed maps of multiple fire areas, a cornucopia of maps and stats on county water use and treatment, information about poverty, services for seniors, and dozens of other subjects and needs that face both the county’s poor and concerned residents interested in reading between the lines of their elected officials’ obfuscations and other shenanigans.
Somebody’s got to read and understand the frequently numbing fine print.

At the epicenter, you might say, Betsy Cawn stood in her coat of many colors, studying a map. “Local papers don’t cover anything,” she said. “One is online middle-of-the-road mush and the other is the county’s newspaper of record, the Lake County Record Bee. She said one of her top goals is to fill that communications vacuum. She also wants to keep county supervisors and other officials on their toes, if not hold their feet to the fire.
“They don’t want the public to know how any of this works or how to understand statutory regulations,” she said. “They’ve never figured out the real anthropological or societal needs of the county.”
Plugging that informational black hole hasn’t been easy, she said, and official Lake County has been spectacularly unappreciative of her efforts. Of the county supervisors, she says, “Some of them just groan when I walk into the room. They think I’m a pain in the ass. I call some of the supervisors Civil War recidivist rejects.”
But she said she never gives up and is never intimidated. “My shield is my openness,” she said.
Getting information out to her fellow Lake County residents is a many-pronged affair for Cawn. For starters, she works on her many community projects from 7am to 7pm, seven days a week. The opening page on her laptop is so crowded with icons for her senior advocacy, government and environmental documents and other projects that it’s hard to read them they’re so tiny. She does regular weekly radio shows on KPFZ Radio, 88.1 FM, on Tuesdays from 5pm to 6pm and on Sundays from 2 to 4, which she started in November of 2015 after the FEMA-declared disaster that was the Valley Fire.
“We haven’t run out of material to discuss so far,” she said. “I was politely merciless on the radio [last] Sunday, criticizing three current board of supervisor proposals that baffle everyone and are so poorly explained [that] it is a form of civic bullying,” she said. “Two of my 20-year objectives for Lake County are implementation of environmental programs, including wildfire prevention, and implementation of services for older adults and their caregivers.”
To the latter end she works with other volunteers at the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center for several hours a day – for seven days a week, of course. She took me on a tour after an enjoyable quick bite at the Bistro in Lucerne, where Cawn and a Native American man drinking coffee at the next table shared their joy that a Native American had just been elected as county supervisor. Cawn also knew the folks running the café, one of whom ran out to get eggs for her omelet since they had just run out. In fact, we didn’t run into a single person she didn’t know the whole day we spent together. She’s a force of nature and a cheerful one, to boot.
The senior center is one block off Highway 20 in Lucerne, on the north side of the highway. It’s housed in an imposing 82-year-old building (“a beast to operate”) that used to be Lucerne’s elementary school. An art historian by education, I loved the big old drafty building with its impossibly high ceilings, its intricately patterned glass doors and woodwork, and its cavernous rooms where generations of Lake County kids attended school. We visited its modern kitchen where, until this year, food for home delivery to house-bound seniors was prepared (today it’s cooked elsewhere but deliveries are made out of the senior center, where outreach volunteers identify recipients, maintain delivery lists and routes, and follow up with the seniors they visit.
“I became trained [as a certified peer counselor] which allowed me to go into their homes,” Cawn said. “I’d get calls like ‘I live in Kansas and my mother lives in Nice. Can you check on her?’ I take the information and give it to the kitchen, which puts it on the schedule for delivery. We also go into their homes to try to get additional resources.” Are they alone? Is there a caregiver? Do they take medications? These are some of the questions the outreach volunteers explore. Cawn also added a new component to develop a disaster plan, which didn’t exist until she and her fellow volunteers created it.
“You need a shelter in place or a grab and go plan,” she explained. Disaster preparedness is particularly vexing to Cawn.
“I have been directly antagonistic to the board of supervisors over the absence of emergency preparedness,” she said. “I couldn’t get a copy of the emergency operations plan (a public document). It took six months for those people to show me the goddam plan!” She said early on that she tried to find a copy at the library. “The librarian unlocked the file cabinet and opened up this sealed envelope. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. When I finally got to see this piece of shit it was dated 2006 – and it was 2011!” Cawn said that the county lost out on $12-million because of its outdated, non-compliant emergency plan, which she said was actually “100%” out of compliance. “FEMA’s not gonna help you!” she said, "when you have an emergency plan that is that deficient.
“One supervisor said there’s no sense planning because there’s nothing you can do anyway so why bother? “The people who actually run the county are the builders, the bankers, and the brokers,” she said. “They’re the ones who churn the money machine.”
Cawn says her work brings her into direct contact with the sufferers of governmental indifference, adding that a good example was the “local assistance center” following the Ranch/River fires. “2,298 unique families stood in long lines under sweltering/ashy skies with their walkers and canes and bags full of nothing but needs to be filled,” she said, adding that for many it was a first-time look at community members and the limited resources available to help them. [If you saw it]…”you’d understand that the sordid underbelly of Lake County’s bloated fiefdom is a week away from Lord of the Flies.”
It’s not like Cawn grew up protesting or anything. Born in Philadelphia, she and her family moved 28 times before she was 18 years old, following her father who was a career NCO in the US Army. Three of those moves were to Japan, the first during the critical first decade after the war.
“The culture and society were very Asian,” she said. “By the middle 1950s the alteration of the culture was nearly complete.” Cawn said her father’s second wife was Japanese and she has two half-Japanese siblings.
One of the most interesting tidbits from Cawn’s youth is that she quit high school in the 11th grade, never to return, opting instead for a clerical job at 17 in the booming southern California aerospace industry. That job was her first step to a high-tech career still years in her future.
“I raised myself up from being a high school dropout to a tech manager; my life has been a miracle, I did whatever I could with the jobs I had,” she said. Cawn caught an early activist bug in Los Angeles, where she went to L.A. City College for a semester. “I was such a misfit, it just didn’t stick,” she said. She was married for a short time. Her life took a major turn one day as she was sitting in one of LA’s coffee houses, which she said in those days were a big deal with bongos and jazz.
“I was reading the paper and drinking my coffee when somebody came in and asked, ‘Does anybody here know how to type?’ That’s how I ended up working for the weekly Los Angeles Free Press,” she said, where she worked as a copy fitter for three-and-a-half years. The paper was credited with being the most widely distributed underground newspaper of the 1960s. The Free Press folded in 1978, but returned in its new incarnation in 2005. Cawn also volunteered at KPFK radio, a 90.7 FM listener-sponsored station based in North Hollywood. “You talk about being an activist,” she said. “That’s what I was.”
Many steps still awaited Cawn before her journey north to Lake County, including a 12-year stint where she managed publications at an international global tech corporation that developed a revolutionary silicon wafer smaller and more powerful than older versions, and is still the standard today. I asked her what it was like to switch gears and work in an international and sophisticated business world. “I just worked for those people,” she said.
As a rabid Lenny Bruce fan, Cawn said she treasures an artifact from her corporate days; one of her bosses gave her a plaque that reads “The Lenny Bruce Memorial Office of Proper Usage.”
“After the 70s lots of my friends migrated north,” Cawn said. She had friends in Ukiah, and with her trunk full of camping gear she started exploring. Then, it happened. Coming in from the east on Highway 20 on a late March day, she rounded the bend at Clearlake Oaks where she got her first look at the lake. “Wow!” she said, leaning back in her chair at the memory. “In the angle of the sun it was brilliant, sparkling!”
After driving around and checking things out, she ended up at an inn in Lakeport. She woke up at 7am and opened the drapes to a winter wonderland of Douglas firs dusted with snow. “There was a mama duck with all her little babies walking alongside the lake. It was freezing cold and there were three guys sitting on a little pier, fishing and drinking Budweiser and I thought ‘This is pretty cool!’”
Cawn took her time checking out the county, looking for a niche.
“In 2005 I wondered if there was any way I could fit in given the stupendous ignorance of some of the supervisors,” she said. But she kept on pushing, getting herself appointed to subgroups to the board of supervisors, researching and writing about subjects that needed official action, picking up like-minded volunteers along the way. She finally took the plunge and bought a mobile home in Upper Lake, where she still lives today with her disabled brother.
“For the first time in my life I have a washing machine!” she said. Ironically for such a life-long wanderer, she discovered that she’s related to people in Lake County; one cousin is the water district manager, another is the retiring registrar of voters.
“I love these people,” she said. “I give as much as I can and live in a world of generosity and kindness. That’s why I’m not leaving. I’m home and I’ve never been home before.”
What is she proudest of? “I think it’s been the ability to empower the people here who have knowledge, to network and collectively work with the people in power,” she said. “The art of empowerment is an act of spiritual anarchy, success is measured in living to bitch another day.”
Heartfelt thanks to the Anderson Valley Advertiser for helping us share the skills and insights of people like Betsy Cawn and Marilyn Davin; you lead the way!!
One correction: The Lake County Emergency Operations Plan I was finally allowed to see (and which is still unavailable on line) was dated 1996; its replacement was finally approved in July of this year by the Board of Supervisors.
It remains incomplete, lacking critical “annexes” for Care & Shelter Facilities and Access & Functional Needs planning. Annexes are not subject to public review or official authorization, either, so they will be added or updated without any public awareness effort. As important, then, are the “standard operating procedures” for which ever department or agency is responsible to implement the “action plans” defined in the annexes. These procedures are where the specific individuals (duty officers and assigned staff) are trained and practiced in executing emergency response roles.
All county departmental staff must receive National Incident Management System and State Emergency Management System training and exercise said training in activities shifted radically (on a moment’s notice) to “coordinate, collaborate, and communicate” during a declared state of emergency.
Lake County Grand Jury Reports from 2015-2016 and 2017-2018
Spurred by the 2015 Valley Fire response chaos (17,000 evacuated from the county in a few hours, 4 deaths),
“The Grand Jury found that the coordination of emergency services in the midst of one of the largest disasters in California was disorganized, according to the testimony of those interviewed.
“A 2014 Strategic Plan for the OES prepared by its manager identified areas of weakness in the County disaster preparedness agencies along with specific steps to remedy them.
“While some steps were in progress to address certain areas (i. e., starting to update the, Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), holding training sessions) most remained incomplete by the time of the Valley Fire fourteen months later.
“Given the trauma the County suffered in the summer of 2015, the Grand Jury believes that disaster preparedness should be done before and not while, responding to a catastrophic event.
“The Grand Jury found deficiencies in organization, supervision and implementation among the agencies investigated. It also found that because of the deficiencies brought to light during the Valley Fire, County efforts are underway to see that they do not re-occur.”
Two years later, the Lake County Grand Jury published two additional reports on the status of our emergency management capacities. The first examined the handling of county agency reimbursement for toxic debris removal from destroyed homes, and the exaction of payments from insured property owners — some of whom are still struggling with the remains — “Chaos After the Fires” (a whopping and mind-bending 52 pages).
The second (a mere 32 pages), titled “Go Jump in the Lake” — advice offered to a resident looking for preparedness tips in his neighborhood — is not wholly unfounded. Years ago a Kelseyville FF/EMT responsible for the now-shuttered FPD equipment station at the top of the Riviera West (steeply sloped, high-risk vegetation, OWI/OWO and perilous escape route with massive vehicular congestion expected) pointed to the lake as a viable escape method, and most of the shoreline property owners I know have their vessels ready to jump as a matter of course. No fire boats? What’s up with that? (The last one in Lake County belongs to the owner of the “Narrows” — a popular summertime private day resort in Blue Lakes; it was often deployed to aid in rescue of errant travelers on Highway 20 that missed a crucial turn.)
But I digress. The last three years of Lake County Grand Jury Reports have disturbed the Chairman of the Lake County Disaster Council (District 5 Supervisor Rob Brown) who was so incensed at the current report that he threw a dramatic tantrum during the BoS public hearing of Supervisors’ responses to the Report (and the three other Supes present said they supported his position!). Even the Lake County Record-Bee editorial board gave him a big raspberry for that one, but he had already “stepped down” from the very responsible position of Disaster Council Chair (after 6 years of ineffective “leadership”) with no explanation, and handed the job to the outgoing District 3 Supervisor, Jim Steele.
Who will get this hot potato next year, we wonder? And, will the heir apparent be squeezed to maintain the county’s “business as usual” posture in response to community demands (for sirens, emergency alert system broadcasts, public information releases, risk reduction planning that makes sense, help with insurance and reconstruction cost increases, and an end to knee-jerk reaction signage and “messaging”)?
Meanwhile, God Bless all the men and women (and their unseen families) who “respond” in real time, every time, to any and all disasters, all the live long day.
Hi Betsy I really hope this whole email isn’t published publicly here but if it is oh well.
Just want to say that I too am very interested in Lake County matters and have done a little research on various topics. Not nearly as much as you of course but I’ve looked into a few things such as water rights, municipalities, county taxes (or lack there of), tribal relations with the county, environmental health, county history, the geysers, pesticides, public planning, PG&E, the fires, county jail and probation, code enforcement, corruption, and so on.
I worked under Sarah Ryan at the Big Valley Rancheria Environmental Department as the Data Specialist of the water monitoring program for 6 years and as a result of working in that environment I have aquired quite a large appetite for researching and documenting local issues. But what drives my appetite is my dislike and mistrust of the BOS.
Being a tribal member belonging to The Big Valley Rancheria has caused me to have very deep seeded suspicions about our local government and rightfully so it turns out. That’s probably why I absolutely loved it when you told Overton that it wouldn’t matter if she prepared the insufficient (I’m paraphrasing) budget report and put it in a gold plated binder etc. AND THEY RAN THAT IN THE PAPER! Loved it. Oh and when Phil Murphy told the BOS that the the only difference between them and the looters was that they didn’t work weekends. When I read those quotes from you two I promptly designated myself as the official Betsy Cawn and Phil Murphy fan club president.
I would love to come to your office and meet you, pick your brain for a moment and see your fabulous collection of documents. I would maybe even bring a binder or two of my own collection. I’m not sure that I could possibly fill in any gaps for you on any topic but I’m certain that I could gain a great deal from your work and in all honesty I’d probably have a terrible time trying to tear myself away from your magnificent office.
To give you a little bit of an idea of how dorky I really am I can say that one of my very favorite things to do in the whole wide world is cruise through newspaper microfilm. I could do that for hours upon hours. There is nothing I’d rather do more I don’t think.
But anyway Betsy, I would really like to meet you sometime at your office amongst your empire of facts and information because as a result of my research I make some bold assertions about the county and the federal government and the way they have handled NOT providing municipalities for the tribe on numerous levels and I think I can prove it. The government in general federal, state and county have all discriminated against the tribe and I think they failed to uphold the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment by entering into unconscionable contracts with the tribe and the totality of these acts have caused the tribe to suffer desparate impacts.
But I’ve never showed anyone my work where I’ve presented these assertions and so I could really use some feedback and expertise but I am adiment that only you or Will Parish can provide the feedback I’m after and he’s much too far away.
I have some specific questions about “disadvantaged communities” because this is one component of my claims about the county that I believe you could shed some light on and so I’m actually reaching out to you. FINALLY!
Hope to have the opportunity to talk with you in the near future Betsy. And thank you so much for your time and consideration!