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Posts published in September 2018

The Albion Rancho

A May 24, 2017 piece in the AVA chronicled the early history of English sailor William Richardson's arrival at San Francisco Bay in 1822, his subsequent marriage to Maria Antonia Martinez, daughter of the presidio…

Where Are The Old Timers When We Need Them?

There is a timelessness to Marshall Newman's recollections of the "way it used to be" in pre-urbanized Anderson Valley (not The Anderson Valley you and Jed Steele imagine exists). His perspective, however, on the rarity…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Sep. 26, 2018

Opaque Hospital;
Mole Taunt;
Albion Bridge;
Ed Notes;
Mark View;
County Salaries;
Quiz Night;
Yesterday's Catch;
Mushroom Dinner;
Who Cares;
Improv Workshops;
It Happened;
Miranda Missing;
Little Dog;
Fishy Edit;
World Scrutiny;
Salmon Count;
Book Festival;
Golden Gate;
Voter Info

County Notes (Sep. 26, 2018)

The Ghost of Tom Mitchell seems to be hovering anew over the Supervisors Chambers in Ukiah. Mitchell, long-time readers may recall, was Mendo’s CEO before they hired Carmel Angelo, a registered nurse by training. Mitchell…

Letters (Sep. 26, 2018)

I was shocked and extremely disappointed to read that the California Coastal Commission is apparently going to pay the fines and legal costs for Steve Kinsey and the other convicted Coastal Commission members.

On Rejoining Society

First, I would like to state for the record that my intent in recounting the following tale is not to brag, or preen, or pump myself up and toot my personal horn with the air…

Mendocino County Snapshot, 1950

One of the astonishing aspects of our internet-connected world is the ability to discover – and buy – stuff we never knew we wanted. Amazon and eBay have become great enablers, but almost every commercial…
