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Posts published in September 2018

Air Tax Next?

As we discussed here several weeks ago, I said I’d be keeping both eyes open in the event the on again-off again, on again-off again proposal to tax public drinking water was resurrected in the closing days of the current legislative year that occurs on August 31.

Bibi: The Turbulent Life & Times of Netanyahu

“The problem with Israel,” Tony Judt wrote in the New York Review of Books in 2003, “is not – as is sometimes suggested – that it is a European ‘enclave’ in the Arab world; but rather that it…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Sep. 4, 2018

Kelsey Fire;
Geotechnical Investigation;
Complex Denouement;
Janice Blue;
Cap'n Flints;
PG&E Trees;
Center Shooting;
Old Ukiah;
Cannabis Hour;
Chemo Survivor;
Permit Trickle;
Workers Screwed;
Ed Notes;
Little Dog;
Fair News;
Yesterday's Catch;
Twisted Logic;
Baby Jail;
Inmate Firefighters;
Federal Spending;
New Casino;
Rotten People;
Congressional Representation;
Uncomfortable Hiatus;
Labor March;
Home Invasions;
Labor Movement;
Indigenous Photography;
Coloring Contest

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Sep. 3, 2018

Labor Day;
Ranch Fire;
Parade Broadcast;
MRC Ruling;
Deceased Male;
Trucker Death;
Fair News;
Ed Notes;
Little Dog;
Albion Bridge;
Logger Harassment;
Overhead Lines;
Gertrude Bunyan;
Rail Legislation;
Grape Harvest;
Yesterday's Catch;
Bibi Book;
Wage Supression;
Microwave Weapons;
Next Crash;
Local News

Theatre Auditions

[Sep 17, 18] Auditions for the Mendocino Theatre Company's production of Lux Radio’s Miracle On 34th Street, directed by Lynn Sotos, with musical direction by Kim Bratton, are scheduled for Monday, September 17 and Tuesday,…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Sep. 2, 2018

Enforce V;
Complex Update;
Permit Lull;
Little Dog;
Kemper Reports;
Albion Bridge;
Pacific Hotel;
Community Support;
Yesterday's Catch;
Bern v Beez;
Orange Fatigue;
PG&E Bill;
Liability Limitations;
Village Voiceless;
Cocaine Drops;
Lady Buds;
Laytonville Blues;
Temperature Control;
Zimbabwe Welcome;
Marco Radio

Indigenous Photography

[Sep 16] On Sunday from 2 to 3 p.m., the Grace Hudson Museum will host a conversation on Indigenous photography. Artist and C.N. Gorman Museum director Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie, and C.N. Gorman curator Veronica Passalacqua, discuss…
