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The citizen’s initiative Measure V became law June 8, 2016 and declares “…INTENTIONALLY KILLED AND LEFT STANDING TREES A PUBLIC NUISANCE.”
As of August 2018 this law has been ignored.
It is unconscionable that our county government ignores the will of the people. No one knows why. Does the threat of a lawsuit trump the will and welfare of the people of Mendocino County? Measure V is designed to help lessen catastrophic fires, death and destruction in this time of severe drought and climate change.
When supervisors Brown, McCowen, and Woodhouse refused to join Hamburg and Gjerde to enforce V, County Counsel Katherine Elliott asked the state’s Attorney Generals lawyers for a legal opinion in February 2017. AG attorney Catherine Bidart wrote it 13 months later in April 2018. It’s been “circulating” among AG attorneys since and Bidart cannot give anyone a date for release.
I put in a Public Records Request on August 13 and received an almost immediate reply from Bidart herself stating that Opinion 17-202 cannot be released while being “reviewed” due to attorney-client privilege (between attorneys of the same AG office).
Bidart response to V Opinion request
This may be legally defensible but is morally reprehensible! We can only guess as to why the holdup, but we the people have had enough. We don’t want to wait any longer.
Mendocino County burns and top brass at Calfire called the millions of bone dry dead standing trees as a major problem. In the meantime, MRC and other timber operators are continuing hack & squirt and leaving millions of dead standing trees near our homes and roads.
We want the board of supervisors to enforce, retroactively, Measure V, and we want it now. This is, after all supposed to be a democracy and our supervisors are elected to represent our interests and they should follow the law.
Els Cooperrider
The Mendocino Complex: Steady progress is being made in the final suppression operations of the Ranch Fire. The fire is now 96 percent contained. The largest section of uncontained fireline remains west of Stonyford within the forest boundary. The increase of 21 acres shown in the table below is due to more precise mapping. There was no actual fire growth outside the current containment lines. On Saturday, firefighters monitored interior burning inside the perimeter of the fire, extinguished hot spots and pulled excess hose and equipment off firelines. Fire crews have completed 244 miles of suppression repair, primarily on the west and north sides of the fire. Suppression repair is complete on the River Fire.

Labor Day Weekend: Forest Order No. 08-18-14, covering the southern part of the Mendocino National Forest remains in effect. All roads and areas described within the order remain closed to the public. Home owners with proof of residency are permitted to access their property within the closure area. The northern half of the Mendocino National Forest remains open and can be accessed via Forest Highway 7. The forest areas around Plaskett Meadows and Hammerhorn Lake are open for recreation activities. The Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness is also open for recreation.
(click to enlarge)For detailed Mendocino Complex information visit: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6073/
Letts Lake (click to enlarge)FOR THE FIRST TIME in recent memory an article by Mike A’Dair in last week’s Willits Weekly made us laugh out loud.
But it wasn’t funny.
A’Dair interviewed Second District Supervisor John McCowen about the reasons that pot permit applications have “slowed to a trickle” in recent months.
McCowen’s answers were jaw-droppingly delusional:
- Staff turnover and program management turnover.
- The rules need to be “streamlined.” (No specifics suggested.) “The Board of Supervisors is actively considering amendments to the cultivation ordinance that will help streamline the process,” said McCowen oxymoronically, adding, “I think it’s organizational. We have to get a more systematic process in place. … We have to be committed to doing whatever it takes to make this program functional.” (It’s not functional now? Who knew?)
- The rules have changed over time. (McCowen: “It’s understandable that with all the changes going on there would be a lull.”
- Not enough training and workshops for applicants.
- No manager for the permit program. “I’m optimistic that we’re going to see dramatic improvement in the unit,” said McCowen. “I think there’s a critical need for an additional position in the unit, that of cannabis manager. That position would be between the program administrator and the ag commissioner. This person would run the unit and would answer to the ag commissioner.”
- It has taken time for cannabis unit [now back] in the Ag Department to "write policies and procedures affecting how the several county departments involved in processing and regulating cannabis will work together."
* * *
The funny part? The conspicuous avoidance of the fact that McCowen’s pot permit rules are ridiculously complicated, unworkable, contradictory, hopelessly muddled and even if you get a permit “issued” or “approved” (a distinction no one understands) you’re still liable to get busted.
LITTLE DOG SAYS, “Did I mention that we have a fish tank now? Regular pet store around here these days. Got about twenty WalMart golds, 11 cents each, swimming around in a big pasture tank. Skrag’s keeping watch (if you know what I mean). These guys told me they'll grow into Koi! I just kept quiet. Don't want to spoil their delusion.”
by Mark Scaramella
Last Wednesday, Mental Health Consultant Lee Kemper summarized his recently completed $40k indictment of the County’s badly broken mental health “continuum” for the Measure B Advisory Committee meeting in Ukiah: “There are two continuums of care for mental health and for substance abuse disorders. Both of them are incomplete.”
Which is putting it gently.
This of course flies directly in the face of claims of HHSA management and mental health contractor/manager Camille Schrader. To hear her and her cozy circle of lieutenants, both county management employees and her own, the small army of the deranged wandering around the County talking to themselves are all being "served" by a continuum of care.
So when the subject comes up at the Board of Supervisors meeting on September 11, look for the Schrader Gang to be in full damage control mode. (E.g., Ann Molgaard: “We have great respect for Mr. Kemper and we really really respect his opinion and appreciate his report, we really really do, but he didn’t talk to US personally so he doesn’t understand how wonderful we are and how many wonderful services we offer.”) And not one person in official Mendo — including the members of the Measure B Committee on Wednesday — will go on record agreeing with Kemper’s professional assessment of the “incomplete continuum.”
Kemper: “With regard to substance abuse disorders, it's a very small set of services and it doesn't really represent a continuum of care. … And with respect to the mental health continuum, we also see that it is incomplete because it is missing some key ingredients for the residents of the County of Mendocino. Specifically, the lack of a crisis residential treatment facility, the lack of any kind of treatment programs, the lack of partial hospital programs, and in particular the lack of a more robust set of wellness and support services that reach the various communities across the county.”
But millions of annual public dollars are being spent on these "services."
Kemper went on to say that the County’s “continuum” is focused mostly on crisis response and does very little to keep people from reaching crisis stage. Using data he obtained from Ms. Schrader’s Redwood Quality Management Company, Kemper said that rates of crisis assessments have gone up dramatically in recent years.
“What we see is there is a growing level of crisis mental health assessments and it is placing an increasing burden on the local delivery systems that are providing services. Specifically, the hospital emergency rooms where this occurs and the crisis access center that RQMC operates.”
“We believe that the [Measure B] revenues need to be dedicated to the full spectrum of services to build out a more comprehensive continuum of mental health care in the county. I believe that a goal you should focus on is reducing the need for and the utilization of inpatient psychiatric care whether that's in the county or out of county.”
“With regard to the substance abuse treatment services, we recommend that 10% of the [Measure B] funds be allocated to services related to substance abuse disorders in the county. We do this with the understanding that there are so many steps to be taken there and we think you should be if you get going right away on substance abuse service expansion and we think that's an appropriate use of the funds and it would represent an important investment.”
Mr. Kemper agreed that a Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF) was necessary, but only in conjunction with expanded upstream services to keep a lid on the number of people who would need it.
Another point of contention was Kemper’s estimate of the cost of a new 16-bed PHF — based on his discussions with managers of similar facilities in other NorCal counties, Kemper said a new PHF facility would cost substantially less than the estimate provided by the consultants employed by Margie Handley and the Howard Hospital Foundation to remodel the old Howard Hospital. In other words, instead of just handing over Millions to Margie, maybe more money should be spent on helping people and less on low-security incarceration at the old Howard Hospital.
“The county should take this opportunity to make the behavioral health treatment more complete for mental health and substance abuse,” said Kemper. “Focus on remediation at the earliest possible time and reduce the need for inpatient psychiatric facility use. But at the same time we acknowledge that you need some kind of inpatient psychiatric facility.”
“These are basically good government kinds of concepts,” said Kemper, perhaps not realizing he was talking to a County that has never done even the most minimal level of service oversight and reporting for any of its departments.
Kemper also said that the Measure B funds should be used to “supplement not supplant” existing services. “Sometimes there are some clever maneuvers that can occur with those new dollars,” said Kemper as Behavioral Health Board Chair Jan McGourty could be seen conspicuously scoffing and smiling.
Repeating his earlier calls for oversight and reporting (back when Kemper did a review of the woeful Ortner mental health service delivery), Kemper tried again, “We recommend a bi-annual (every six months) review process on the new revenues and their expenditures and how they are improving the continuum of care. We recommend a prudent reserve. We recommend ways to account for the money and report on it so that so that the taxpayers understand where their resources are going to improve the system. We also recommend that the data be provided to you in a more discreet way regarding the utilization of services across the county so that you have a better sense of how people are being served in various parts of the county.”
This of course will simply never happen. Kemper is wasting his breath. The Mendo mindset is: “Here’s the money — please spend it. Come back next year for more money. Next subject.”

To improve the upstream services and reduce crisis calls Kemper recommends a distributed or mobile system that would go to the patient, not require the patient, many of whom are barely functioning, to travel for hours to a central location.
For years we have proposed a version of the “Crisis Van” program which would respond to mental health calls (along with law enforcement if called for) and then take charge of a person with a mental health problem and decide where that person should go, be it back to family, some kind of Measure B funded supportive housing, residential crisis treatment or the PHF. This idea, which works well if in limited form in Sonoma County and Contra Costa County, has never been seriously considered in Mendo.
The other concept that would help (as we have also noted several times before to no avail) would be for the County to finish the long-delayed Memorandums of Understanding with the outlying service organizations such as law enforcement, clinics, hospitals, ambulances, etc. and use the MOUs to fund those organizations with some of the Measure B money to help them provide assistance to patients and their families close to where they live.
None of this came up during the Measure B Committee discussion of course. All they did was nitpick some of Kemper’s numbers and approve a formal motion to pass Kemper’s report on to the Board of Supervisors — which, as Sheriff Tom Allman and CEO Carmel Angelo pointed out, they already have.
Sweet and easy-going, Noodles is a wonderful dog. First things first: Noodles is very overweight (130 pounds!!) and needs to go on a diet ASAP! This darling girl has lovely manners and a great temperament. She is very delicate and gentle when she takes treats, and knows sit. Noodles is 6 years old and eligible for the shelter’s SENIOR DOG DISCOUNT. Plus, she’s spayed, so she's ready to go home with you right away and maybe sign up for canine weight watchers!
Topanga is a gorgeous 3 year old, spayed female, short hair black cat. Although she came to us as a "stray" we know she was someone's pet because she was already spayed and she’s very friendly. We think Topanga will be a nice cat in a home with children, and a wonderful companion to everyone in her new family. Come on down and spend time with Topanga and all her feline friends at the Ukiah Shelter.
The Ukiah Animal Shelter is located at 298 Plant Road in Ukiah, and adoption hours are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 10 am to 4:30 pm and Wednesday from 10 am to 6:30 pm. To see photos and bios of the shelter's adoptable animals, please visit us online at: www.mendoanimalshelter.com or visit the shelter. Join us the second Saturday of every month for our "Empty the Shelter" pack walk and help us get every dog out for socialization and exercise! For more information about adoptions please call 707-467-6453.
Norman deVall writes:
Coastal Commission: Sept. 12
CalTrans is obviously planning to replace the Albion Bridge. The Coastal Commission will hear their application to remove trees, and bore holes to bed rock on both sides of the existing bridge. Please visit the Commission Agenda, read the staff report and be at the meeting at Fort Bragg's Town Hall on 9-12-18.
MSP saw this photo posted by Chris Braga to the Mendocino County History social media page.
Got up, the usual tea ready, sat down to read the paper. After checking to make sure I was not listed in the obituaries, began to read. Mental facility location discussed, followed by mention that the powers to be were ready to listen to the concerns of their constituents. Really? I have been writing about my concerns since the 90s.
Probably a waste of time to reiterate, but I will mention that the time for Community Support Teams is long past. If I were a constituent that really counted, I might have been given an answer by now. When I used to mention what for, why, and describe the process, I got many nods and smiles, but self-serving paper pushers would soon forget that I had ever spoken. Building a PHF is a good idea, but it may be years away. A CST would assist as soon as it became viable and I would hope much sooner. After the PHF became available the CST could continue to assist, it would never be a thing of the past. Community Support Team workers would tie the process together in many ways that I am not going to list now. Is it because our County has too few qualified mental health workers and too many chiefs? If so, check with my past description of the staffing of a CST.
If CST is not a good idea, then please someone tell me why. As I watch this decaying world about me, it becomes more evident each day that my wish will not be realized. If there is a better way, then get it done. In a Machiavellian world the only thing that trickles down is fear and loss of truth with a concomitant constriction of moneys to be used for mental health.
That time is upon us.
William J. Russell
CATCH OF THE DAY, September 1, 2018

KELLY AITKEN, Ukiah. Protective order violation, probation revocation.
JOHN ALAMEDA, Clearlake Oaks/Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, probation revocation.
JAMES AVANTS, Albion. Fugitive from justice, probation revocation.

SEAN BELL, Ukiah. Protective order violation.
CHARLES DUNCAN, Ukiah. Probation revocation.
DENISE GARCIA, Albion. DUI, domestic battery.

MARKIS JERMON-KIEFER, Sebastopol/Hopland. Driving with suspended license (for DUI-refusing chem test).
ARUL MEZA-HERNANDEZ, Novato/Laytonville. DUI, suspended license (for DUI), probation revocation.
ALVA REEVES III, Covelo. Probation revocation.

LANCE TREPPA, Ukiah. Controlled substance, paraphernalia, parole violation.
RUSSELL VILLALPANDO, Fort Bragg. Shoplifting, probation revocation.
THOMAS WILLIAMS, Willits. Protective order violation.
Trump’s friend Paul Manafort was convicted by a jury of an $18 million tax fraud and cover-up. The "Off The Record" comments from last week, do not show an understanding between the legal offshoring of money and the criminal-lying, fraud and hiding, that he was found guilty of.
Trump pardoning Manafort would be an abuse of power, as pardons were never intended to excuse these partisan criminal acts.
US intelligence is guilty of many bad things, but it was the Bush criminals who were responsible for lying us into the Iraq war.
Senior intelligence officials had a press conference before the war started, saying that the Bush administration was misusing and "cherry-picking" the Saddam WMD evidence. The "unrelieved bungling" is a direct result of the lies and cover-ups, all from Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq.
There were no "intellectuals" saying that Saddam had nukes. The Bush crime family alleged they did with fake "proof," then rushed the US weapons inspectors outtathere to begin bombing Baghdad, against the advice of the intelligence agencies. Yes, the mainstream media is complicit, as they make huge $$ off their lies.
But, so much of what you think you know about 9-11 is completely wrong! I remember how you and Cockburn insulted people who studied the details and devils behind 9-11, calling us "Conspiracy Nuts." When we paid attention and learned of the truth behind 9-11, you sneered calling us "Truthers," as if that were some kind of insult! What was insulting was watching a majority of Americans, stick their heads in the sand, unable to discern the obvious truth, that Bush had lied, on purpose, to bring us an illegal war. This is now well known among most people who have paid attention, what's your excuse?
Those who support Trump and his web of lies and deceit are foolish and ignorant of the immoral, illegal and unconstitutional crimes he is directing upon us. If you say that you are for Trump, then you have sadly lost your ability of intelligent discernment. Please try again.
Rob Mahon
ED REPLY: Individuals and corporations hide money overseas and lie about it all the time. The whole Manafort-Mueller Show is aimed at bringing down Trump, not any noble search for truth. Anyway, Manafort's small potatoes compared to lots of tax evaders. The "truth" about 911? Nineteen fanatics, funded by our ally, the Saudis, managed to hijack four airliners and fly two of them into the World Trade Center. The FBI ignored the information from one of their own field agents that the hijackers were enrolled in a Florida flight school where they'd made it clear they weren't interested in learning how to take off or land. All they wanted to know is how to keep the planes airborne and how to steer them. Subsequent events were preventable. PS. Do I get at least a C in conspiracy-think for this outline of what I believe are the facts?
AFTER A WEEK OF MEDIA FAWNING, flags racing up and down staffs, and memorials coast-to-coast, John McCain will finally be laid to rest this weekend in Annapolis amid eulogies from George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Give McCain some credit for using the occasion of his funeral to illustrate vividly that there’s less than a dime’s worth of difference between the politicians of our time.
Jeffrey St. Clair
Amazon issued a rare, full-scale rebuttal after the Vermont senator went on the warpath.
Critics call the bill a bailout for PG&E, while advocates say it is a fair way to protect ratepayers and save the utility from bankruptcy.
The rate payers, who are PG&E's customers, should not be held responsible for any damages. If any private business entity is sued for damages, their customers are not also held liable by law. Plus PG&E is a public utility, so its customers have no where else to go for delivery of their power. If PG&E's customers can be held liable for damages, then Sonoma Clean Power should also be held liable for damages because, as I understand it, they are a customer of PG&E because SCP depends on PG&E to carry its electrical power to the SCP customers. And, in the logic of SB 901, Sonoma Clean Power and their customers should also help pay for damages. The lawyers involved in suing PG&E are using their political influence to find deeper pockets, i.e. the rate payers, to ensure payment of damages, including what is probably very significant legal fees, in the event that their suits against PG&E are successful.
If our State representatives were truly interested in the welfare of their constituents, they would pass a bill that would protect a public utility by limiting its liability to insured coverage. It is not just PG&E that is at risk, but all the employees, both active and retired, whose lively hood is also at risk.
In defending PG&E during the October 2017 wildfire, it should be noted that the major factors in the fires spread were the 80 mph wind gusts that caused electrical wires to cross, embers to cross 6 lanes of pavement, and the general arid conditions in the State. I notice no one is suing a motorist who allowed a trailer hitch chain to drag on the pavement creating sparks that started another wildfire, or another motorist who drove on a flat tire causing contact of the metal tire rim with the pavement that created sparks.
by Christopher Robbins
Three years after buying The Village Voice, and a year after the paper shut down its print edition, owner Peter Barbey told the remaining staff today that the publication will no longer be posting any new stories.
"Today is kind of a sucky day," Barbey told the staff, according to audio obtained by Gothamist. "Due to, basically, business realities, we're going to stop publishing Village Voice new material [sic]."
Barbey said that half of the staff, which is around 15 to 20 people, will remain on to "wind things down," and work on a project to archive the Voice's material online.
The rest of the staff will be let go today.
Listen to Christopher Robbins discuss the Voice's closure on WNYC:
"I bought the Village Voice to save it; this isn't exactly how I thought it was going to end up. I'm still trying to save the Village Voice," Barbey told the staff.
He also praised them for doing important work: "You had amazing grit, to remain professional in doing what you're doing and hanging in there to the end."
The Voice, founded as an alternative weekly newspaper in 1955, has had a number of previous owners, including New York magazine, Rupert Murdoch, Leonard Stern, and New Times (later Village Voice) Media.
Barbey also seemed to indicate that he may have been thinking about selling the Voice for some time.
"I've been having conversations with other entities for months now," Barbey said in the Friday meeting. "This is something we have to do—for some of them this is something we'd have to do before they could talk to us any further."
PS, Tweet from Valerie Vande Panne
Friend just turned in his news piece, was told by his editor there was good news: He's the journalist with the last news story to appear in the Voice. That's also, the editor said, the bad news.
FRANK HARTZELL SAYS, "I've had it with politics. Im going back to the good ole days when things weren't so crazy?"
CALIFORNIA — Upcoming documentary feature film “Lady Buds” has captured exclusive footage of the lesser known social and political aspects of cannabis legalization in California, seen through a female lens. The grassroots film about legalization is premiering its trailer on September 5th, opening up a broader dialogue from the unique perspective of courageous women who are coming out of the shadows. Currently in production, “Lady Buds” has great momentum having been featured nationwide in the magazine “Women & Weed,” and has received support from film organizations such as The Rogovy Foundation, The Sundance Institute, Women In Film, Film Independent and IFP’s Spotlight on Documentaries. The filmmakers are looking to raise awareness of the documentary as they move into a big fundraising push this fall, with the aim of a world premiere late 2019.
With the influx of big money invested into the newly public cannabis market, the compassionate mission that birthed the cannabis movement in California over 20 years ago is in jeopardy — a conflict most consumers know little about. As farmers, entrepreneurs and activists, the women featured in “Lady Buds” are modern-day superheroes battling corporate interests and risking financial ruin to fight for the industry they helped create, and their community that is in danger of being wiped out.
“In making the documentary, I wanted to represent women in cannabis in an authentic way, while mainstream media has traditionally focused on stereotypes and stoner films. These women are pioneers, putting everything on the line in a fight for survival because of their passion for the plant. They inspire me, and I know they will inspire others,” says Director Russo.
“Lady Buds” is being filmed on location in the Emerald Triangle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. The documentary combines interviews, cinema verite, stylized visual tableaus and archival footage to weave together a character-driven, intimate view of cannabis legalization and how it is affecting legacy farmers and activists who have operated in the underground market for decades. Through the eyes of our six multi-generational “Lady Buds” and their surrounding communities, we learn the implications of this newly regulated market and how it is changing a way of life for many.
Award-winning Director Chris J. Russo’s immersion into this cautious community allows her to tell this story from a trusted, insider perspective, which has rarely been explored in popular media by a female director with female characters.
Legalization and the onslaught of mass production in Laytonville is pretty fucked up. The legal people, flo canna, artifact nursery, emerald cup farms employ all their little tattooed 20 something friends after running mom and pop out of business. If you are single mother in your 50s raising kids? Fuck off, they have no need for you even if you can out trim the little shitheads. You paying rent and buying school clothes mean fuck nothing to these folks. All those who work at these places in L-ville suck us dry. They don’t shop here, live here, buy gas here, eat lunch here or do fuck nothing to help the economy that is at about 20% thanks to these fuck ball rat bastards. The big guys here do not donate to any of the non-profits or contribute to the betterment of this community in any way shape or form. Bottom line it as Calico would say, bottom line it. Let’s start with Willie Nelson who wouldn’t know good weed if you threw it at him. I know because I’ve thrown it at him in his own bus. “Willie’s Select” is what fuels Flo Canna and a few of these fuck balls. So, if these cowboys are screwing Laytonville and southern Humboldt? So is fucking Willie Nelson. Hire the handicapped, Hire local to begin with, donate some fuckin’ money to the non-profit groups that make up the community, you raping and getting fucking rich in ya cock-suckers.
Whether Elon Musk Is the future or not is not the point. (MCN Listserve)
Alan Haack:
Mr. Musk is not providing anything for the masses. He is building expensive cars for wealthy people, in the BMW, Mercedes and Lexus model. That's fine, rich people need nice cars, too, but this has nothing to do with the average person nor does he care about the masses. That's a joke. The $40,000 Model 3 is not affordable for most people.
Marco McClean:
The first Ford Model T cars cost around $1000 in 1908. That's about $30,000 in 2019 money. By 1925, after improvements in materials and manufacturing techniques, you could get a brand-new Model T for a quarter of that. By 1980 you could buy a used car good enough to drive to work for less than $100, if you didn't need to take it on the freeway. I know a farmer who charges his 1990s-era electric car(s), his tractor and his house with the solar panels that are the roof of his carport. He hasn't had to pay for nor burn a drop of gasoline in decades. Also Henry Ford was a racist lunatic who thought Adolf Hitler was a great idea. Lindbergh did, too. Elon Musk is just busy and sharp-tempered; it would be hard to make a case that he's evil. Alan, I think you don't like him just because you're stuck not liking anything you just don't like. "You goddamn kids stop hitting the house with your goddamn ball! And quit cutting the corner across my lawn!"
In other news: My latest favorite candy: generic raisinettes (chocolate covered raisins) in the bulk section (or real Raisinettes when they have them at the Dollar Store).
Stephen Essrig is worried about a new ice age, but is wrong to suggest it presents a greater danger than global warming.
We have an internal temperature of 37°C that we control via perspiration (or air-conditioning). We cannot survive above a “wet bulb temperature” of 35°C, meaning a temperature of 35°C at 100% humidity, or at a higher temperature with lower humidity. As things stand, the planetary surface temperature will increase by 2°C over the course of this century owing to carbon dioxide and methane already emitted. These two gases are respectively at 1.45 and 2.5 times their 1750 pre-industrial levels, having been steady before that for the 11,700 years since the most recent ice age.
There isn’t the remotest chance that we will spontaneously enter another ice age. However, we do in any case now have the proven ability to raise the planetary temperature (by 0.8°C over the last hundred years). The most efficient and safe way to do this is to release methane, which has a 35 times greater warming effect per molecule than carbon dioxide and remains in the atmosphere for just eight years before being oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. So if there did happen to be a cataclysmic volcanic eruption or unexpected meteor fall leading to a drop in global temperatures, our response should be to release the appropriate amount of methane to keep us warm even in a world of temporarily darkened skies, with controlled recovery in a decade or two. In the world as we know it, however, we are going to be cooked alive unless we rapidly change to solar and wind power.
Malcolm McGeoch
Little Compton, Rhode Island
Hobo codes of outer space. (They give you pie here.) (Mean dog.)
The recording of last night's (2018-08-31) KNYO Fort Bragg and KMEC Ukiah Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show is available by one or two clicks, depending on whether you want to listen to it now or download it and keep it for later and, speaking of which, it's right here: https://tinyurl.com/KNYO-MOTA-0296
In other news: Also at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you'll find a fresh batch of dozens of links to not necessarily radio-useful but nonetheless worthwhile items I set aside for you while gathering the show together, things where just hearing about it wouldn't be enough. Such as:
Night in Istanbul.
What Japanese people think American swears mean.
And four awful ways our ancestors got high. Thousands of years ago they didn't have toilets to throw up in, like we do today, but they had buckets, I think, though not a nice fluorescent-yellow plastic one from behind the time-travel door. Or maybe they did; what do /I/ know. They had henges.
Marco McClean, memo@mcn.org
It’s difficult to imagine this world without the Village Voice…the East Village Other…the Berkeley Barb…Evergreen Review Magazine…it’s like I am watching a civilization bleed to death!
Just gettin’ older, Craig. The civilization as you call it bled out long ago. Reagan and his buddies lapped up the last drops of its blood in the 80s.
Els has her head firmly planted where the sun doesn’t shine. And nothing is going to change that, including a wildfire that is stopped because is slowed down in a tan oak treated area.
Did Els get a gender reassignment surgery, George?
No, and I was hoping for more of a response.
Good luck.
A pity the tan oak can’t be hauled out on mules, like in the good old days and used for tanning, so we could get some decent leather, like the Good Lord intended… I bought a latigo at Rainbow Ag a few years ago that was as thick and stiff as a roping cinch… I could have done a better job with scrap of rawhide, a bucket of brains and a shovelful of tan oak ash. I ordered a guitar strap made of so-called harness leather, out of an upscale catalogue, and when it came I could tell at a glance it was made by somebody who had never set eyes on a piece of harness.
But the environmentalists, patrolling on their Honda four-wheelers, would write out a citation on the mule train for eroding the watershed, and bill MRC, GAP, OLD NAVVY, THE FISHER FOUNDATION (and their sponsors, FRANZIA BROS)…
That’s why all you can get is a plastic belt at any of those fine stores, because the enviros have made it impractical for American businessmen to stock decent leather goods.
Tannins from a number of vegetable sources were used for tanning for thousands of years. Tannins from tan oak bark was a more recent source. When Indians leached acorns, they were leaching out tannins that made the acorns bitter.
If we wanted to recreate the tan bark industry, that would mean girdling tank oaks to get the bark. That leaves a dead standing tan oak. If a whole hillside was harvested, that would leave a whole hillside of dead standing tan oaks. It would look ugly, for a while, but I really don’t think anyone would care. Right?
From the AVA archive 4/16/14:
“First there would be the peeling. This was done by ringing the tree at ground level and again about four feet above. Then the “curl” would be split down and if it was peeling off properly it could be loosened by prying with the axe and often a good hard yank with the hands tear it loose. The curls were left as they fell until they dried and curled up. The tree would be chopped down and the rest of the bark removed in four lengths. The wood was left to rot or to be burned later. Sometimes an effort would be made to convert the land into sheep range but it was never very successful as the tan oak is a very persistent sprouter.”
The smaller trees with only 4 or 8 feet of bark were girdled, and left standing to die. The felled trees created a fire hazard until they rotted, which didn’t take long.
For better results, George, consider updating your mating call. It’s a bit coarse as is.
I am missing something here.
Most likely, George, most likely …
Like I always say, “consider the source.” In this case, the sources, Jeff Bezos and the Walt Disney Company. This survey may as well been conducted by the AVA among its subscribers.
James Marmon
“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values.”
-John F. Kennedy
Consider the source of your quote, Jms.
Joe Kennedy had John F. Kennedy’s sister, Rosemarie, given a lobotomy and put in an obscure Wisconsin State Mental Hospital, because her dyslexia was an embarrassment to the careers of her brothers, Jack and Bobby.
This was all documented in a diary Rose Kennedy (Mother) threw out one day, but was retrieved and published by a housemaid.
This was about the time One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest was inciting a political movement, and contributed greatly to the closing of the mental wards all across the country.
My comment in the Willits News yesterday.
“What went unmentioned was the fact that Carmel Angelo’s mental health privatization scam has failed. Two and a half years ago Kemper told the board of supervisors that the system had failed, but nothing was done about it.
Ongoing concern about mental health hospitalizations
“The Kemper report addresses some of the ongoing issues with 5150 holds in the county raised by local physicians, law enforcement, and patient advocates. These groups have expressed concerns over the increase in hospitalizations of such patients since mental health services became privatized, the impact on local physicians and law enforcement while waiting for assessment from the service providers, and ongoing disagreements about which patients should be placed on such temporary holds, which can last up to 72 hours.”
After RQMC (Schraeder) took over from OMG (Ortner) things got even worse. According to Kemper’s 2018 report, there are no alternatives to inpatient hospitalizations available in our county, resulting in more crisis situations. The Schraeders may be nice people but they should have never attempted to move into the mental health business where they had no expertise, they should have stuck with foster care.
The need for a PHF Unit could have been mitigated with more upstream interventions.
James Marmon MSW
Former Mental Health Specialist
Sacramento, Placer, and Lake Counties.
P.S. Ortner was no more to blame than Schraeder, Angelo is to blame, she dismantled the County mental health system so she could turn it over to for-profit privateers.”
Mendo had a functional mental health system, but Angelo (Nurse Ratched) convinced the Supes that it shouldn’t be supported with any General Fund dollars. She cut the programs down to just crisis services before handing it over to the private profiteers. Neither Ortner or the Schraeders had any experience in providing outpatient care. The Schraeders just picked where Ortner left off, crisis and inpatient hospitalizations.
“If you’re just going to do crisis, then you’re just going to do crisis”
-Lee Kemper
Should Measure B money (aka the Allman tax) be used to prop up a failed system or should we start all over again?
Maybe a RFP going out for adult services is a good place to start, put this thing out to bid. Let’s see if we can get a better deal.
Where’s the money Camille?
What makes me so mad as a mental health expert is that Angelo and the Schraeders don’t seem to understand that with every psychotic episode, increased damage is done to the brain. Lee Kemper didn’t go into that when he discussed the high end users who had multiple hospitalizations, he should have. I once left a job as a crisis worker to go do outreach, I used to say “I want to catch them before they catch me”. By not doing proper outreach the County has unnecessarily placed people suffering from a mental illness and community in great danger. WIC 5150 “a danger to self and others”
Mobile and Street Outreach
Simple upstream Social Work
James Marmon MSW
The only problem with doing outreach is that you get to the client before the meet 5150 criteria, then you have to have lower level of care programs and facilities, other than a PHF Unit in order to serve them properly.
What makes you so mad is your short temper, Jms. — Oops, I misconstrued your definition of the word mad, which you must surely, in light of all your mental health baggage, have meant as madness in the psychological sense of the word; not anger, rage or violence — which is to say those character traits that have resulted in your dismissal from all these petty government posts you once held…
If you really think you are such a splendid healer, why don’t you work on your own personality for a change, rather than trying to fix everyone else, eh?
If I was doing outreach in the Ukiah area you could bet I’d be knocking at your door every morning. A couple of one hour sessions with me and you would be a changed man Bruce.
James Marmon MSW
Personal Growth Consultant
‘don’t just go through it, grow through it’