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Posts published in May 2018
[Jun 2] Get ready for the November 6, 2018 election by registering to vote at the Saturday, June 2nd Pay n' Take at the Gualala Community Center from 8:30am - 12 noon. California residents (any…
There is nothing more precious to the look and feel of a town than open space. People don't come to an area to see shopping malls and dented canned goods stores. They want the solace and beauty of open spaces. So many of our visitors come from crowded, ugly strip mall infested towns and cities.
1. Do you think the County’s mental health money is being effectively spent? (around $28 million at last estimate) In general, I’m not enthusiastic about outsourcing core government responsibilities. There are circumstances where private industry…
[May 26-28] The 16th annual "Anderson Valley Open Studios Tour," and can it be 16 years already? An abundance of talent in the Anderson Valley, isn't there? And here are 14 artists, all of them known…
At the April 26th Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors meeting, the District's legal counsel was directed to draft a resolution that would remove Dr. Lucas Campos from his seat on the board.…
We have always loved our City Council. We know they are flawed but they have always been a big part of what makes life gracious in our little city — the freedom to build our…