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Posts published in April 2018

Boontling Classic

[May 6] Reminder to all Runners and Walkers! Be sure to register right away for the thirty-sixth annual Boontling Classic 5K Footrace, to be held…

Hendy Volunteer Workday

[May 6] Invasive Plant Removal Volunteer Work Day Volunteers Needed For Invasive Plant Removal Hendy Woods State Park, Sunday, May 6th, 10 am to 12…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, April 5, 2018

Rain Forecast;
Hart Speculations;
Little Dog;
Bridge Benefit;
Wildflower Show;
B Meetings;
KZYX Reelections;
Uncontrolled Burn;
Roderick Interview;
Dog Amnesty;
Zubia Wanted;
Yesterday's Catch;
Unplanned Parenthood;
Amazon Subsidy;
Jesus Film;
Rajneeshpuram Plot;
Extreme MLK;
Female Liberation;
Watery Romance;
Electronic Devices

Letters (April 4, 2018)

It’s a crying shame that many liberals often resort to puerile, crass and utterly sophomoric tactics to get their points across. By wearing pussy hats and holding signs with such slogans as “Guns Have More Rights than my Vagina,” they really make themselves look as bad, if not worse, than the MAGA rednecks. I’m ashamed of the left (who I mostly agree and identify with, for the record) as well as the GOP. Pity we can’t all act like adults.

Bird’s Eye View (April 4, 2018)

The April issue of the AV Community Bulletin has recently been distributed at 20-plus locations throughout the Valley with dining options and other great local…

Mea Culpa

The Monday Morning Meeting With The Mayor (MMMM) just did not work out for me. The Mayor informed me by email of the error of my ways. “The Monday morning meeting with the mayor was never intended to be a press conference. You somehow fail to grasp that,” boomed Mayor Lindy Peters.
