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Posts published in March 2018

The Water, Not the Power

On Friday, Feb. 23 in the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors Chambers, PG&E publicly stated its ambivalence toward continuing operation of the Potter Valley Project at the Eel-Russian River Commission. Despite rumors over the last…

California Sabs Cannabis Industry

California Assembly member Jim Wood and State Senator Mike McGuire demonstrated their incompetence before a standing room only crowd on March 1, 2018 in the Ukiah Valley Conference Center. Wood and McGuire hosted the hearing…

Good Money After Bad Hospital Execs

A helicopter hovered overhead on Tuesday evening, February 27th, while inside Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) the Board of Directors held a job performance review regarding Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bob Edwards. Outside the Redwoods…

Transmission Meditation

[Mar 30] Join us to experience a simple form of meditation that helps the planet and builds a stronger connection with your own spiritual nature. Transmission Meditation is a non-denominational group meditation that does not…

Valley People (March 7, 2018)

THE FACADE redo of this old barn south of Boonville is the work of Larry Mailliard, Yorkville. Seems to me it's so well done it constitutes a major visual enhancement for that whole stretch of Highway 128.
