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Posts published in February 2018

A Candidate For Deportation

Last year local judges would tell defendants entering a guilty plea that they “could be deported” if they were not American citizens. Now they say,…

County Notes (Feb. 7, 2018)

Sheriff Tom Allman’s Measure B Advisory Committee got off to a faltering start Wednesday of last week. It appeared that none of the eleven “commissioners”…

Valley People (Feb. 7, 2018)

ALEJANDRO SOTO did it! Scored his thousandth point as a AV High School hoopster, joining an elite Panther club that includes such as Anderson Valley greats as Tony Sanchez; Jerry Tolman; Don Summit; John Stevenson; Eugene Waggoner; Zack Anderson; Pete Boudoures; and Justin Johnston.

Off the Record (Feb. 7, 2018)

SUPER BOWL NOTE: Haven’t watched one since the Montana-Walsh Niners were in it, and don’t watch much football anymore anyway, and not for the reasons mostly stated, from concussions to the politicizing of the games into either protest venues or triumphal military celebrations.

Mad Marx

London’s Bridge Theatre opened its steel and glass doors late last year on the South Bank of the Thames. The theatre takes its name from…


In his book On Television, Pierre Bourdieu warns against the twin temptations of historical analysis: everything is totally changed and unlike anything that went before,…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2018

Coast Shooting;
Inland Stabbing;
Ruffing's Replacement;
Beggars Moving;
Nut Class;
Little Dog;
AV Flu;
Thistle Party;
Principal St Jeor;
Food Mag;
Tone Sentenced;
Swing Band;
Parched Socal;
Yesterday's Catch;
Moby Donald;
Stock Plunge;
Young Stoners;
Wine Event;
Net Neutrality;
Public Lying;
Gender Fluid;
Un-American Dems;
Pure BS;
Football Dilemma;
Tanoak Talk

Salmon Information Meeting

[Mar 1] The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) invites the public to attend its upcoming annual Salmon Information Meeting to learn more about…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 5, 2018

Crowningshield Wanted Found;
Record Highs;
Little Dog;
Sanitation Sphinx;
Powerline Fires;
Ed Notes;
Helping Out;
Yesterday's Catch;
Justice Paradox;
Officer Friendly;
Whitewater Cads;
FBI History;
Crisis Mode;
Jane Russell;
Colon Tour;
Democrats Bad
