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Posts published in February 2018

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, March 1, 2018

Douglas Chouteau;
Fire Fee;
Grist Settlement;
Cannabis Manager;
Pot Tax;
Little Dog;
Candidate Interviews;
Quiz Nights;
Guard Dog;
Ted Answers;
Bartolo Wanted;
Pedestrian Deaths;
Reverse Midas;
Ultra Left;
Working Class;
Opposing NRA;
FB Athlete;
Civic Participation;
Yesterday's Catch;
Impeachment Articles;
Healdsburg Pyramid;
McNutt Interview;
Anti-Boycott Act;
First Tunnel

Letters (Feb 28, 2018)

I have to wonder where a person who still thinks words like Republican, Democrat, Liberal, or Conservative, gets their world view. These words and ideals are all but useless at this sorry ass point in America’s corrupt and dying political culture.

The Final Indignity

Your trusty local reporter, as always selflessly volunteering for the betterment of the community, has never been thrown out of a public meeting. But, after…

Standley v. Ketchapaw

Many Mendocino County residents have at least heard of Doc Standley, the fearless lawman of the last decades of the nineteenth century. Some may have…

Deal Or No Deal?

If you are worried about the dioxins out on the mill site, you should be. Mayor Lindy Peters has conceded that neither he nor the…

Heads, Snip, Kaboom

As a resident of the hoosegow (word nerd alert: from the Spanish juzgado, court), I've been doing a lot of things I normally wouldn't for…

Market Music

Music may be the food love, as Shakespeare put it at the opening of Twelfth Night, but he could also have observed that music feeds…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018

Storm Brewing;
K Decision;
Little Dog;
Schmidt Again;
Barn Facelift;
Blackened Panther;
NRA Friends;
New Headlight;
Civic Participation;
Yesterday's Catch;
Computer Ideas;
Probable Valor;
Cold Comfort;
Jazz Trio;
National Breakdown;
1936 Menu;
Gold Star;
Community Potluck;
Dinner Dance;
Korea Interview;
Teen Writers

Valley People (Feb 28, 2018)

Wintry, rain-free weather continues in the Anderson Valley, and everywhere else on the Northcoast. Local vineyards are wheeling leased frost fans into place, harbingers of a sleepless spring for much of the Anderson Valley and a fruit-less summer given that the premature budding caused by frigid nights and warm days has killed the blooms.

County Notes (Feb 28, 2018)

According to County Treasurer-Tax Collector Shari Schapmire the County has already collected some pot taxes. In fact, at the end of the Ms. Schapmire’s pot tax collection white paper/staff report, she appends the following summary of cannabis tax collections from January of 2017 to February 8 of 2018
