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Posts published in November 2017

Flashbacks: A Memoir By Jim Gibbons

My old friend Gibbons sent me a copy to review for – what else? – the AVA. Jim and I are AVA old-timers, and my…

Valley People (Nov. 15, 2017)

FROST FANS clamored on after midnight a week ago Tuesday morning in various areas of the Anderson Valley, and probably malicious on the wine industry’s part since insiders tell us there’s no industrial ag imperative at 3am this time of the year. The noise was especially intrusive in the SOBO neighborhood of South Boonville. The fans are so loud you can't sleep through them, even with ear plugs. They are also clearly in violation of the County's unenforced noise ordinance, but the grape juggernaut does what it wants. If these fans were posted in marijuana fields we can be certain the county would demand air strikes to silence them. It occurred to us that perhaps the fans went off in the early hours because SoBo’s wine moguls think we still live in the neighborhood. But wherever you live in the Anderson Valley, you can hear them. They hadn't been activated this season until this morning, never were used this past harvest as there were no freezes.

El Diablo In Wine Country

Jerry Brown’s California enters this new age with a halo over its head. We “get” climate change and thumb our noses at the mad denialist…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017

Sturgeon Resigns;
Wet Ahead;
FB Cost Overruns;
Prop 172 Money;
Debris Cleanup;
Pot Permits;
Little Dog;
Crab Season;
Candidate Haschak;
Yesterday's Catch;
Rebuild Better;
Mothers Rock;
Just Accuse;
Fordham Return;
Full Moons;
Santa Claus For Adults

Charges Against Jessie Slotte Doubted

According to his wife, Veronica, Boonville native Jessie Slotte, a heavily decorated veteran of the war in Iraq, threw her to the ground, put the…

County Notes (Nov. 15, 2017)

A likely explanation of the abrupt departure of former Assistant CEO Alan Flora came to light last Tuesday in what seemed disguised as “retroactive” approval of…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017

Keegan Dead;
Hamburg Announcement;
Boonville Station;
Wanna See;
No Knees;
LRAD Unused;
Little Dog;
Farmers Market;
Stabbing Witness;
Dewitt Detained;
Debris Removal;
Caltrans Albion;
Yesterday's Catch;
Mall Hound;
Unfolding Unforeseen;
Social Norms;
Climate Report;
Firefighter Suicides;
Unintentional Satire;
Cancer Thoughts;
Saudi Unrest;
Trump Travelbag;
Toxic Drainage
