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Posts published in November 2017

Mad Genius Behind the Wheel

A report from the Baja 1000, the longest off-road race in North America.

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017

Kyllikki Clark;
Boonville Station;
Sturgeon Resigns;
Emma Crabtree;
Ed Notes;
Timber Work;
Outage Weather;
Outdoor Grows;
Pot Prices;
Corporal Injury;
No Quiz;
Debris Removal;
Farand Found;
Unsolved Murders;
Yesterday's Catch;
Eel Restoration;
Race Matters;
F. Trump;
Little Dog;
Pollution Trading

The Real Men of Fort Bragg

As everyone knows, the villain in any prison story is the warden. Of course, prison being what it is, a kind of central receiving for…

Measure B Wins Big

Most voters may have stayed at home but nevertheless Measure B, a one-half cent tax to improve abysmal mental health services in this county, won…

Redwood Valley Man Dug A Hole To Survive

When getting ready for bed around 11:30pm Sunday night, October 8, 2017, my 87-year-old dad heard loud noises from outside, 60-65 mph winds. He looked out his bedroom window. He saw dots on the hill behind his house and thought there was a fire.

Bird’s Eye View (Nov. 15, 2017)

“This Trump Thing,” aka, US Presidency. The US is set to become isolated in its stance on the Paris climate agreement, after reports that Syria…

Letters (Nov. 15, 2017)

Jerry Philbrick is 100% completely wrong. The liberals and Governor Brown had nothing to do with the Texas shootings, yet he blames them and calls them assholes. The killer was a white guy who had no problem buying his guns, even though he was a convicted felon. They've admitted he shouldn't have been allowed to buy guns; the US Air Force failed to notify the FBI. SNAFU.
