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Posts published in August 2017

Smoke & Fire

Cue the corn pone Nazis. Enter, stage left. Well, what did you expect? With the various authorities in this culture incessantly applying “white privilege” noogies…


The human brain is an amazing organ, and capable of some genuinely astonishing things. I'm not even talking about Einstein-y super-genius level insight, which is…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017

Ruffing Retires;
Peak Resigns;
Settler Case;
FB Notes;
Ruffing Opinions;
1947 Airplane;
Library News;
Seven Barns;
Mr Right;
FB Homeless;
Pet Sale;
1984 Heist;
Badass Platoon;
Dr Phil;
Cannabis Updates;
Sustainable Technology;
Little Dog;
Swap Shop;
Water Dispute;
Black Phoebe;
Hearing Gunshots;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hard Times;
Zen Punch;
Ukiah Speedway

Re-Opened Cannabis Ordinance Nearly Wrapped

The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors last week) August 8, concluded a month-long series of meetings on cleaning up, tweaking, and amending its three-month-old Cannabis…

Jonathan Opet For The Defense

Anderson Valley’s very own Atticus Finch (the character played by Gregory Peck in the Hollywood version of To Kill A Mockingbird), Jonathan Opet of the…

Know Your Snitch

The letter arrived in the mail. They turned me down. Mendocino County refused to issue me a business license for short-term rentals. The Mendocino County…
