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Posts published in August 2017

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017

Keegan Case;
New Principal;
Litter Boat;
Eclipse Reactions;
Buckhorn Boonfire;
Boonville Summer;
Rental Squeeze;
Our Packrat;
Open Studio;
Little Dog;
Recommended Reading;
Vegetable Gardening;
Past Presidents;
Yesterday's Catch;
Life Changing;
Diminishing Returns;
Lithium Supervolcanoes;
Tunnels Lawsuit;
Nazi Unpleasantness;
Plaza Pints

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Aug. 21, 2017

Supes on Marijuana;
USA Eclipse;
Air Advisory;
Little Dog;
FB Management;
Crime Stats;
Name Calling;
Happy Burble;
Sweetcorn Diplomacy;
Measure B;
Umpire Problems;
PO Box;
Yesterday's Catch;
Oligarch Economy;
Catfish Explains;
NAMI Classes;
The Bullfight;
Library Events

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Aug. 20, 2017

Dick Gregory;
Smoky Skies;
Markham Out;
Carole's Letter;
Ruffing's Waterloo;
Elk Day;
Little Dog;
Mister Meth;
Where's Duane;
Marco Radio;
Yesterday's Catch;
Weedy Greedy;
Eclispe 2045;
Fascism Lesson;
Visual Valerian;
Heating Planet;
Straw Town

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017

Little Dog;
PA Questions;
Clever Scalmanini;
Bragg's Name;
Willits' Lawsuits;
Religion & Violence;
Emergency Services;
Hospitality Response;
Airport Day;
Air Advisory;
Yesterday's Catch;
Total Eclipses;
Democratic Socialism;
Actors Talkback;
Meeting Cancelled;
1980 Poster;
Trump Defense;
Racists Rejoice;
Retro Sunday;
Marco Radio;
You Again;
Water Rates

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Aug. 18, 2017

Settler Murder;
On Privatization;
Ruffing's Resignation;
Guilty Verdict;
Little Dog;
Election Clarifications;
Drive-in Visitors;
Ukiah Fire;
Single Payer;
Recommended Reading;
The Base;
Yesterday's Catch;
Impotent Rage;
American Hate;
Free Speech;
Art Champions;
SF Invasion;
Confederate Past;

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Aug. 17, 2017

Privatizing Again;
Little Dog;
Missing Teen Trio;
Solar Eclipse;
Mendocino County Line;
Dennis Martin;
Rental Hypocrite;
College Classes;
Germain-Robin Sold;
Yesterday's Catch;
Paul Cezanne;
Past Slavers;
Getting Zucked;
Looking Back;
Paula Swings

Letters (Aug. 16, 2017)

I am very disappointed in Georgeanne Croskey's recent announcement [that she will not seek re-election when her term runs out]. First, she was appointed to serve out Tom Woodhouse's term without any say by the people she is supposed to be representing. Second, she came to this appointment with no obvious knowledge of county issues, nor of the constituents she claims to "serve." Her standard response when faced with issues and information is a cheery "I'll have to learn more about that."


Here in Colorado, both marijuana and casino gambling are legal. I have no moral judgment on this, other than pot was more fun back when.…
