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Posts published in August 2017

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Aug. 26, 2017

Fire Watch;
Yorkville Social;
Cannabis Fees;
Staff Training;
SF Provocations;
Marijuana Money;
County Differences;
Little Dog;
Petrolia Busts;
Pot Futures;
Succeeding Linda;
Panther Yell;
Rail Memories;
Farm Party;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hate King;
RMS Climate;
Controlled Demolition;
Tony de Brum;
County Vacancies;

Comptche Arts Benefit

[Sep 23] We invite you to share a day of Art, Wine & fun in Comptche at the Community Hall on the Comptche/Ukiah Road 1/4…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Aug. 25, 2017

Fire Weather;
SMART Starts;
Brookings Megafire;
Air Advisory;
Stumbling Incompetence;
ER Freakout;
707 Mag;
Little Dog;
Southbound Owl;
Fluid Names;
Media Notes;
Whose Rifle;
Remembering Rusty;
Yesterday's Catch;
Trump Trap;
Execution Resumption;
Wealth Care;
President Alzheimer;
Peasant Revolt;
Kaepernick Rally;
Mendocino Theatre

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Aug. 24, 2017

Hospitality Conditions;
Ruffing Treatment;
Quiz Night;
Crossing Carre;
Cannabis Comments;
Attempted Homicide;
Little Dog;
Calpella Burglary;
Native March;
Naked Ladies;
Lost Children;
Illegal Grows;
Pot Beer;
Rodeo Drive;
Patriot Prayer;
Nadya Lift;
Yesterday's Catch;
Village Voice;
Inept Obama;
Native Water Rights

Letters (Aug. 23, 2017)

I would like to share my observations and thoughts on revamping the responses of our city to the homeless problem. In reading the minutes of your committee from 6/21, I disagree that our local homeless problem stems from poverty or lack of housing.

Little Rivers Of Time

Thanks to three separate repair projects, driving north from Cloverdale on Highway 128 is a joy that lasts almost forever. Eleven miles, dead stop. Five miles, dead stop. Four hundred yards, then slow, slower, bang, you’re dead!

The Settler Killers

The preliminary hearing in the gang-murder of Laytonville pot pharmer Jeffery Settler last November got underway last Monday, but most of the first day was taken up with pleas from three of the seven defendants. Zachary Wuester, Gary “Giggles” Fitzgerald, and Said “Richie” Mohamed who each pled to nine years in the state prison for “robbery in concert” with the understanding that they would all have to waive credit for time served up until the date of sentencing, and the stipulation that they would not be labeled as “stabbers” in Mr. Settler’s gruesome murder.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2017

Lively Supes;
Keegan Miracles;
Gore Movie;
Sharing Info;
Local Reporting;
Canning Ruffing;
Special Meeting;
Neighbor Wildberger;
Indigent Felons;
River of Time;
Settler Hearing;
Yesterday's Catch;
American Eclipse;
Little Dog;
Crescent Sun;
Fuzzy Astronomer;
Library Events;
Susie Blackeye;
Planning Agenda;
3:16 AM
