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Posts published in July 2017

Fort Bragg’s Homeless

There were rumors that the City Council’s Planning and Safety Committee’s all-day informational meeting Wednesday morning was going to be important. The esteemed mayor and…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Enforcing Legalization;
Touring Cubs;
Lost Coast Hiking;
900 Suicides;
Zell Family Portrait;
Protest Exhibition;
Little Dog;
Cannabis Crimes;
Lake Issues;
Big Sur;
Yesterday's Catch;
Homeless Distinction;
Decadent Democrats;
Dylan Thomas;
The Empty Hive

Mendocino County’s Reefer Madness

People kid me about how much I write and talk about pot in my newspaper, Mendocino County Observer, and on my radio show. The reason…

Valley People (July 5, 2017)

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to the two delightful ladies at the Navarro Store, Erika Mendoza and Crist Perez, the beating heart of Navarro whose unfailingly pleasant service…

5700 Doses Of Personal Use Meth

Freshly-minted Judge Keith Faulder presided over his first criminal jury trial last week, and by Thursday afternoon it looked like the defendant, Mark Johnson of…

One Stump Town

He was a mean ugly slumlord, pushing 80 with a big chip on his shoulder. Every week he drove his old yellow van into town…

Female Firsts

Women got short shrift in 19th century reporting. If married, a woman was almost always referred to in print by her husband's first and last…

Bird’s Eye View (July 5, 2017)

Mission implausible. (n.b. When referring to Donald Trump, an asterisk will accompany the word President* for reasons that are surely obvious at this point). Lost…
