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Posts published in May 2017

Handel’s Executioners

The horrifying accounts of Thursday night’s execution of Kenneth Williams by lethal injection in Arkansas demonstrated not only the inhumane nature of this latest state-sanctioned killing, but also the power of religion to carry the…

A Sun of One’s Own

It was a day in name only, unidentifiable by simple observation. A look out the window, generally sufficient to get a rough idea of one's orbital position vis-a-vis the sun, was no help — it…

The Tyranny Of Food & The Freedom Not To Eat

In a land in which food has become a secular religion I have chosen to become a heretic and a non-believer. Once upon a time, I lived to eat. Now I eat to live. Not…

Horrible Harvests

The Savings Bank of Mendocino County published Rainfall amounts on a small card several years ago. I look at this card often due to a long rainy winter this year. The total amounts are high…

Mexico Roadblock

I still don't know why I blew through that checkpoint outside Mazatlan on my last drive North up through Mexico even though the police went out in the middle of the road with his machine…

20th Century Fred

Just arrived in the mailbox is a book called Dangerous Grounds, which recounts how coffeehouses set up near Army bases became hangouts for soldiers during the Vietnam War era. I started the first such enterprise with Donna Mickleson and Devorah Rossman —the UFO coffeehouse in Columbia, South Carolina— in the fall of 1967.

Letters (May 3, 2017)

As many readers of this paper probably know there has been great turmoil within the California Grange system fomented by the head organization, the National Grange, who wanted California to not be so damned progressive. National de-Granged California and turned all previous Granges into Guilds. Did so even though California was the only state in the nation to show a reversal in the precipitous decline in Grange membership.
