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Posts published in April 2017

Coast Logging History

In 1979 my father sat at the kitchen table in the log house he, my mother, and paternal uncles constructed by hand. He stared in…

Transparency Anyone?

The much touted openness and transparency in Fort Bragg's city government that has come out of the last few years of political wrath, general indignation…

Night At The Rez

What began as a routine mission out to Pinoleville — well, you know, routine mission, peril-fraught incursion behind enemy lines, six of one, half-dozen of…

Boomers, Again

A lot of younger people are apparently under the impression that baby boomers are the selfish "me" generation, who became yuppies, stock brokers etc. I've…

Strawberry Gifts

Humboldt County, October, 1996 – Now that the Owl Creek Tree Village had been disbanded, that particular grove of old-growth redwoods cut and hauled away, the…

The Blue Bus

"If you ever plan to lower West…" take Greyhound, not exactly the best. From Charlottesville, Virginia across to Sacramento. Blame it on Trump. I flew…

Mendocino County Today; Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Highway Fatality;
101 Reslides;
Smith Story;
Little Dog;
Chinese Gangsters;
Don't Flush;
Unstable Jones;
Yesterday's Catch;
Food Issues;
PG&E Rates;
Miner's Blues;
Trump's Wall;
The Party;
Old Meds;
Oroville Info;
PG&E Payments;
Quicksand Legions;
Library Events;
String Quartet;
Mayday March;
EDFC Director
