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Posts published in December 2016

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016

Ingram Cemetery;
Bruce Campbell;
Little Dog;
PA Sex Crimes;
Kit Carson Book;
ICO Wildlife;
Local Water News;
Yesterday's Catch;
British Welfare;
American Pathologies;
Gun Sales;
Water Workshop;
DAPL Resolution

Coast Hospital: The New Administration

Mendocino Coast District Hospital held a special meeting of their Board of Directors three days before Christmas. With five board members, the Chief Executive Officer…

My (Almost) First Wife

I thought long and hard about it, and I eventually concluded that yes, it was time to start those bells a-ringing again. No, not those…


Reading the anti-semitism piece in the Dec. 20 daily Mendo County Today, I was reminded of the time I learned about the practice (belief?) of…

Letters (Dec. 28, 2016)

In response to Todd Walton's article "The Greater Good" - Proposition 13, at least as I understand it, was originally supposed to allow old people on fixed incomes to keep their homes.

The Local Angle

Craig Anderson was a "patriotic deserter" from the US Navy in 1967. As recounted sympathetically by John Glionna in the New York Times December 22:…
