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Posts published in December 2016

Piano Concerts

[Jan 6-8] The weekend of January 6 - 8, 2017 marks the 25th Anniversary of The Professional Pianist Concert. In celebration of this momentous occasion,…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec. 9, 2016

Orgasm Ranch;
Another Suspect;
Maria Young-Falkenberg;
ER Visit;
Triple Junction;
Tailored News;
Severe Toxemia;
Little Dog;
FB Stairway;
Chuck McDuck;
Yesterday's Catch;
Oil Frauds;
Bill Mandel;
King Honored;
Emerald Cupping;
Obamacare Story;
Conspiracy Theories;
Mister Emolument;
Trump Rallies;
Arena Theater;
Craft Fair;
Annoying Locutions;
DAPL Controversy;
MCBG Events;
Community Grants;
Attack Eyewitness

Broadband Meeting

[Jan 6] Our next Broadband Alliance meeting is this Friday, 10 am on January 6th at our usual location at the Community Foundation (204 So.…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016

Pearl Harbor;
Non Profits;
Shelley Missing;
Chihuahua Killer;
Records Harassment;
Cop Biter;
Ukiah Ghosts;
Hoyle Returns;
Futcher Leaves;
Boss Settles;
Jaded Life;
Little Dog;
Hotel Room;
FB Lawsuit;
Follow-up Care;
Near Drowning;
Abalone Season;
Trivia Quiz;
FB Wildlife;
Healdsburg Gravy;
Abortion Memory;
Police Reports;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hospice Benefit;
Voting Drunk;
Museum Exhibit;
Oil Scam;
Elector Flipping;
Water Officials

Meth, Muck & Mold Manor, Willits

I've been recuperating from some unidentified type of virus, a flu or something that refuses to exit completely. For close to a month I have…

Who Poisoned My Grapes? (Part 4)

I waited 16 months for Sonoma County to issue their report on the spraying of my grapevines. I did not get a call as promised,…

Coast Newspapers, A Brief History

The publisher of the consolidated Mendocino Coast newspapers is retiring. In modern parlance her 23 years as publisher is considered a long tenure. Long before…
